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  1. ryanlee

    Cycle almost complete

    Also my ammonia level has been sitting at .25 for about three or four days now. I'm thinking that there may be a piece of dead sponge that I forgot to pick off of the rock before I put it in the tank. Will that eventually decompose enough to not cause any problems?
  2. ryanlee

    Cycle almost complete

    It seems like my tank is almost done cycling. Ammonia: 0.25 Nitrites: 0.2 Nitrates: 40 SG: 1.023 Temp: 79' Its been up for about 3 and a half weeks now. Is there anything that I need to do like water changes or should I let it finish the cycle?
  3. ryanlee

    Anyone from mid Missouri?

  4. ryanlee

    N.Korea/Missile Testing

    I don't think that they'll try anything stupid like launch a nuke at the U.S. All they want is the attention and perhaps some bargaining leverage. You see, North Korea is like that annoying kid at school who sits in the back of class constantly being disruptive just for the attention but just...
  5. ryanlee

    Worlds Oceans Becoming More Acidic Bad for all of us I guess.
  6. ryanlee

    New Live Rock

    I currently have two powerheads in my tank at 230 gph. It isn't as bad as it was yesterday but it is still noticable. Should I take out the rock and scrub it down some more?
  7. ryanlee

    New Live Rock

    I recieved my live rock yesterday and I rinsed it all off and placed it in my tank. I was already expecting it to cloud up my water thinking it would all clear up after some time however, since the moment I placed the rock in the tank, the rock made my water a brownish yellow color and its been...
  8. ryanlee

    Lets see some cool aquascaping!!!

    All of these tanks look really, really NICE!
  9. ryanlee

    Live Rock

    Well, I'll be ordering live rock next week. Will there be enough die-off from shipping to start a good cycle?
  10. ryanlee

    Placing Powerheads

    What's the best spot in a tank to place powerheads? Right now I have 2 Maxi Jet 600s placed at both ends of my tank pointing directly at each other. Is there a better way to place them?
  11. ryanlee

    Fish from *****

    There are acually two ***** stores located near me. there is the one that I mentioned above that doesen't take good care of their livestock and the other store, one that was built not too long ago, does. I thought maybe they had a set of standards that they follow by when it comes to fish or any...
  12. ryanlee

    how do you acclimate crabs?

    Originally Posted by Phixer A guy in gym class acclimated them for awhile until the whole team was scratchin, I believe there is a spray availible. :hilarious Just joking, you can acclimate them the same way as fish. ROFLMAO
  13. ryanlee

    Fish from *****

    Luckily, there is a good LFS near where I live that deals in saltwater fish, but little more expensive. But it's probably worth it, thier stock seemed to be more healthy.
  14. ryanlee

    Fish from *****

    Has anyone here purchased fish from *****? I was at one of their stores a few days back and saw their fish they were selling, and most of them looked to be in pretty poor condition.
  15. ryanlee

    Cycling time

    Is it a good idea to leave your lighting on or off during the cycle?
  16. ryanlee

    Water Changes

    So while the tank is cycling, does it make any difference if you leave the lights on or off?
  17. ryanlee

    Moon Lights

    Say for instance you don't have moon lights and you have to switch the lights off at night would the sudden change from light to dark scare the fish?
  18. ryanlee

    Water Changes

    If ammonia gets too high it will begin to kill off the small animals living in the rock. This will make the rock less effective as filtration and reduces the diversity of the animals in your live rock. Does that include bacteria? And to answer NEreef's question, no I haven't cycled my tank yet...
  19. ryanlee

    Water Changes

    ^ Please disregaurd my above post.
  20. ryanlee

    Water Changes

    Not yet. I'm still waiting on my LR. I read a post on this forum that stated that too much of an ammonia spike could kill off the bacteria. I did some research and couldn't really find any info that supported this.