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  1. ssc351

    blue tang help!

    My blue tang has some weird spots surrounding its eyes. They are misscolored, almost look beige. i ve put medicine in for hole in head and ick, but still there. Any help?
  2. ssc351

    what's wrong w/ my blue tang?

    My blue tang has some weird spots surrounding its eyes. They are misscolored, almost look beige. i ve put medicine in for hole in head and ick, but still there. Any help?
  3. ssc351

    what are these?

    I have just noticed these new "things" growing on the lr and wondered what they are... They are about 1-2 cm long, white, and remind me of elm trees with no leaves, if that makes sense. Is this just some form of algae or something else? Thanks.
  4. ssc351

    2 Tangs in 90 gal

    I've got a Naso and Yellow Tang both in a 5ft 100 gal. One stays one the left side of the tank the other on the right. THere were a few problems when I first put them in but after moving the rocks around a little everything is cool
  5. ssc351

    Anyone have an ICE CAP system for sale?

    What about a housing for the bulbs?
  6. ssc351

    Anyone have an ICE CAP system for sale?

    I am interested in buying a IceCap VHO ABS Hood Lighting System prefferably 48" with 4 bulbs at 440 watts. Let me know if you are have anything or know anyone. THanks. I can't really afford to pay the $500 for a new one right now.
  7. ssc351

    Lighting for hard corals

    Sorry I gave up on the post, thought no one would respond. I have a 100 gal with 125 lbs lr and dsb.
  8. ssc351

    Lighting for hard corals

    Please HELP!
  9. ssc351

    Lighting for hard corals

    Here are some of the corals I was interested in (soft and mushrooms included): - Pineapple Coral (Favites) - Pagoda Coral (Turbinaria) - Bubble Coral (Plerogyra) - Durian Coral (Galaxea) - Flower Pot (Goniopora) - Flower Pot - Green Branch (Alveopora) - Mushroom, Asst. Color - Mushroom...
  10. ssc351

    Lighting for hard corals

    I was looking into getting some hard corals and was wondering what kind of lighting I need. Rigtht now I have a 175W VHO with an Actinic and daylight bulb. Thanks for the help
  11. ssc351

    what kind of cowfish?

    Is this a camel cowfish? I think these things are really cool, look like little alien spacecrafts flying around :)Here is the link:
  12. ssc351

    clarkii vs. allardi clowns

    So I see the small differences in these two clowns, but it doesn't seem like much. Am I missing something here? I like the look of them both but I don't see the difference besides price.
  13. ssc351

    boxfish identification

    here is a link to a pic, possible camel cowfish?
  14. ssc351

    boxfish identification

    no its definitely a boxfish, and it is not one of the ones on live aquaria site. and they are not spikes. Let me describe a little more. There are not a lot of thorns, maybe five. It looks like the eyes are set in two of the "thorns". They kind of remind of of little space ships or...
  15. ssc351

    anenome for false percs

    what anenome do you guys recommend for sybiants with false percs. I have a mated pair in a 100 gal with 175w vho.
  16. ssc351

    boxfish identification

    no it is a cowfish i believe but not a long horn. Its "thorns" arent' that long. there more like little peaks.
  17. ssc351

    boxfish identification

    I am looking for the name of a boxfish. It has little thorns around its body with a flat belly. One of the most odd fishies I have ever seen. Any help?
  18. ssc351

    torch coral

    What kind of light and current do torch coral need. I have 175w vho with medium current
  19. ssc351

    What do these colors mean?

    Okay, I have some pretty cool colors going on in my tank and I don't really know what they are... The tank is 100 gal with 100lbs of lr been running for 2 months with a yellow tang and 2 percs. The colors: florecent green dark red sprouts purple/pink a light dull green I assume the purple/pink...
  20. ssc351

    cleaning plexiglass

    Hey can I just use windex and a towel to clean a plexiglass tank or do I need a special rag and cleaning solution?