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  1. osolow

    Putting a reef in a bar?

    HI Tiger I live in Hltion Head SC and work at Club South Beach it's a nice place I was going to give you the web site so you could see it but I just found out thay cut it of. the club closed last friday till the new year for a name change and Remodel. I play any thing from 70's, 80's, Top 40...
  2. osolow

    Is this to much light.

    is this to much light for my 125 or am I looking to have a fish fry. what I was thinking of. My Lighting 1. 2 X URI Super Actinic 72" 160W 2. 2 x URI Aquasun 72" 160W 3. 3 x 175w MH 10,000K or should I use 3 250W 10,000K 4. Moonlights: 3 x blue leds...
  3. osolow

    Commercial diving!

    Aqua-culture is perhaps one of the direct results of scientific diving. It is a reasonably new field for a group of specialiasing commercial divers. The work is farming with edible marine creatures and later harvesting it for the consumer market. The most common farms to date are oyster, mussel...
  4. osolow

    Commercial diving!

    I'm thinkg of going to school for it. I want to talk to someone who has been already.
  5. osolow

    Putting a reef in a bar?

    There is a small room where you walk in a pay the door guy/girl that's where it would go. The door guy/girl would be standing in front of the tank and a bar on the other side. I think the wall is abought 8 ft long. oSoLow
  6. osolow

    ecosystem internet deals???

    how do I E-mail you? can't find your address. mine is Thanks oSoLow
  7. osolow

    Putting a reef in a bar?

    ags, Thanks I'm thinking of going to school in Jax or Tampa but we will see. oSoLow
  8. osolow

    ecosystem internet deals???

    try to send it in pieces.
  9. osolow

    Putting a reef in a bar?

    What clubs are thay? I come to FL alot. (when not working) oSoLow
  10. osolow

    Commercial diving!

    I know it's off the wall be is there any one in here that is a Commercial diver?
  11. osolow

    ecosystem internet deals???

    I am getting ready to build a ecosystem style sump l would like to see pics or diagram if someone would email that would be great
  12. osolow

    Putting a reef in a bar?

    I will just keep my fish at home until I can find away to take them to work with me:D oSoLow
  13. osolow

    Putting a reef in a bar?

    p.s the club is on a slab would that matter?
  14. osolow

    Putting a reef in a bar?

    what abought just fish with LR?
  15. osolow

    Putting a reef in a bar?

    so not to worry abought the smoke but the sound. I think it would be up front close to the front door and not the dance floor. osolow
  16. osolow

    Putting a reef in a bar?

    what a bought putting a Reef tank in a bar or night club? I'm a DJ in a small night club (700 poeple) is the smoke bad for the tank(I think so) Is there something you have to do to keep one in a place like this? oSoLow
  17. osolow

    How Old?????????

    I turned 26 on nov 23. where did the last 5 years go? It took for ever to get to 21 now I wish I could stop from getting to 30. osolow:D
  18. osolow

    Mary Christmas (funny) osolow
  19. osolow


  20. osolow

    Poll what type of tank do you have?

    if you did not vote Please vote. there are more people here reading then 60.