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  1. brettmc

    open brain question...

  2. brettmc

    clam question...

    I was having a feeling that it wanted to be somewhere else, every morning he's tipped to the right about 45 degrees. As far as lighting i've got a 175w MH, and two 24w PC's in a 30g so I think my lighting is adequate and hopefully he'll be happier on a rock up above, thanks for the help.
  3. brettmc

    clam question...

    What kind of clam is this, and should he be up on the rockwork?
  4. brettmc

    open brain question...

    So I got an open brain a couple of weeks ago. The right lobe looked perfectly healthy, the left was kind of iffy, but still looked good. The thing that looked iffy about it was when I first got it there was a little thing coming out of its top mouth, which to me looked like it was just some...
  5. brettmc

    What to do next....

    I have a 30g cube, with 30lbs LR and around 25lbs lace rock, about 25lbs of LS, 175w MH, 2x24w CF's, 150g seaclone, and a rena filstar filter. Right now it is stocked with 2 common clowns, a peppermint shrimp, a green brittle star, a purple pincushion urchin, a cleanup crew of just blue leg...
  6. brettmc

    What to add next?

    Yea I think i'm going to wait on the anemone for a lil while, will adding two clowns at the same time be a bad idea? I'm going to shoot for one medium and one small one, so I don't think that it should be that great of an increase in bioload. What's your opinions?
  7. brettmc

    What to add next?

    Oh yea forgot about specifics about my tank, its a 30g cube, I have one powerhead can't remember the flow on it, a seaclone 150 skimmer, a Rena canister filter, and a 175w HQI with two 24w PC's. Also, LS and 30#'s of LR
  8. brettmc

    What to add next?

    Right now I have a finger leather, a green brittle star, a peppermint shrimp, some button polyp colonies and I'm looking at getting two common clowns tomorrow. I want to get a new coral also, any suggestions? I'm kind of looking for an anemone that they could possible host in, even though its...
  9. brettmc

    To feed or not to feed...

    Yea thats why I got the shrimp, but I have a feeling thats not going to work very well. I've heard that using vinegar in a syringe works well to get rid of them, any other ideas? And what is DT's?
  10. brettmc

    To feed or not to feed...

    I have a few feather duster hitch hikers on my LR, along with some aiptasia, a horseshoe crab, and a couple of pepper mint shrimp. Should I be feeding these guys anything or will they get along with just detritus?
  11. brettmc

    cleaner crew...

    I have a 30g cube just getting done with its cycle and now i'm wondering what all of you suggest for a cleaner crew? My plan with this tank is to make it a reef tank, so reef friendly cleaners are preferred. I want to get a peppermint shrimp to help clean up the aiptasia that I already have in...
  12. brettmc

    white slime...

    There's a white slime build up on my base rock. My tank is cycling right now, and I don't know if i should take a tooth brush and try to wipe some of it off, or just leave it?
  13. brettmc

    cycle question...

    Well the canister filter came with the tank, but it was dry when I got it so i'm not so sure that the bio filtration would be up to par on that one. The LR I got was from the LFS which was in an LR tank for a few weeks, maybe even months, it didn't stink at all so i would say that it was fully...
  14. brettmc

    cycle question...

    So I just set up my 30g cube, it has 30lbs of LR, and 15 lbs of LS. There's also regular sand and some base rock mixed in there. Anywho, so the first day (7/25) I had my LR in there my ammonia went up to 0.5 and nitrates, nitrites were all at 0. Unfortunately I was gone the 26th so I couldn't...
  15. brettmc

    PC bulb problem...

    ha ha, damn you're good it is an odyssea, and yes I know about their poor reputation unfortunately after I bought the system. The thing that makes me think its the bulb is because the daylight and actinic are two seperate bulbs on this system but they both run on the same ballast, and the...
  16. brettmc

    PC bulb problem...

    also, the bulb quickly burned out. So now i'm looking to replace it, or if anyone thinks that I need to look into the problem deeper
  17. brettmc

    PC bulb problem...

    I haven't gotten my tank set up yet, but I was testing out my lights and one of my 24w PC bulbs got extremely hot, it even melted the zip tie that was kind of clipping it to the plug in. My question is do you suppose that it is just the bulb or could there be something wrong with like something...
  18. brettmc

    base rock question...

    I just bought around 25lbs of base rock from the LFS. This stuff was all just in a bin in the corner of the store, it's very porous and will make great LR someday. My question is, is what is the best way to go about cleaning it before putting it into my tank? I've soaked them over night in...
  19. brettmc

    cycle dosing?

  20. brettmc

    cycle dosing?

    I was talking to my LFS about some LR and the stuff they had in their tanks did not have much coralline growth on it, and he said during your cycle you'll need to dose with some calcium and some stuff called purple up which would make my coralline all come out. I've never heard of dosing during...