Search results

  1. brettmc

    A new cube...

    I just picked up my 30g cube and its kind of dirty on the inside. My question is are you able to use soap or is that a bad idea? B/c i assume it would be kind of hard to get rid of all of the soap. What all did you guys use???
  2. brettmc

    cured, or uncured?

    When I get LR for my new 30g cube, is it dumb to get cured rock, since it will be the only thing in the tank. To me it seems the cheaper non cured LR would be a good choice, but maybe I'm wrong on that point? Also I do realize that I will still have to scrape off the spongy, big stuff that...
  3. brettmc

    Live sand...

    C'mon, someone's gotta have some kind of an opinion.
  4. brettmc

    Live sand...

    Any suggestions on live sand, as in, are the water packaged bags good, or just a waste of time? I've heard mixed reviews and a few people say its easier to just get some from a hardware store, but just make sure it doesn't contain silicilates. What are your opinions?
  5. brettmc

    fuge for a 30g cube...

    Here's what I'm shooting for, a lot of it I know won't be in there until a ways down the road. gorgonian -xenia -zoanthid -mushrooms -ricordea -montipora -pocillopora -brush coral -plate coral -feather duster -hermits, shrimps, snails -clam -clown fish and maybe a goby -around 50 lbs of LR and...
  6. brettmc

    fuge for a 30g cube...

    or should I even use one?
  7. brettmc

    fuge for a 30g cube...

    I'm going to be starting up a 30g reef tank in around a month or so and I'm thinking about doing a HOB fuge. Wondering what all equipment would be needed on it exactly, and what I need to stock it with. Also if you have any opinions on size or brand. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  8. brettmc

    Skimmer size?

  9. brettmc

    Skimmer size?

    I'm looking into starting a 30g oceanic cube, I've been doing my research and now I'm starting to get the pieces together and now its onto the protein skimmer. Here is what I'm looking to stock it with eventually. -gorgonian -xenia -zoanthid -mushrooms -ricordea -montipora -pocillopora -brush...
  10. brettmc

    future tank inhabitants....

    Yea the starfish was a little iffy. My gf keeps telling me that "I HAVE TO GET ONE" so we looked and looked and that one seemed the "easiest" to take care of. Gobies i'm still not for sure on, I thought they were just cool in the amount of sand that they sift through and such any suggestions...
  11. brettmc

    future tank inhabitants....

    This is just my "first draft" of inhabitants for my 30g cube (20x18x21) with a 175w MH, and 2x24 CF's, with of course LR (not sure how much right now) and probably 3-4" LS. A skimmer, and 1 or 2 powerheads will be included too. Here my list of things wanted right now, let me hear your opinions...
  12. brettmc

    ballast switchout....

  13. brettmc

    ballast switchout....

    I just bought an odyssea 20" MH 175w with 2x24w CF's. I've already heard about their bad rep, so i'm planning ahead and the first time something goes wrong with it I'm thinking about switching out both ballasts. I've changed out ballasts before in 8' fluorescent shop lights, is this the same...
  14. brettmc

    opinions on lights....

    Sorry I can't really answer about the type of bulbs and such since I ordered it from ---- and it still hasn't come in yet. I've already decided that if i start having probs i'm going to replace both ballasts and bulbs but try and keep the same set up ya know, but we'll see. I'll give out more...
  15. brettmc

    sand bed depth...

    from the sounds of it, everything floats around 3inches. So I betcha that would probably be fine?
  16. brettmc

    sand bed depth...

    I figured that it is highly variable, along with many other things in this hobby. So 2 inches would be enough? So does the depth of the sand have any correlation with how long a cycle would take?
  17. brettmc

    sand bed depth...

    How deep should a live sand bed be?
  18. brettmc

    fake sun opinions...

    Yea checked out the sunpod, but it was just a 175 MH, and i figured this one having 2x24 cf would be better, especially since it was about $100 cheaper. I guess what I was shooting for was if others thought that this would be adequate for what i am looking at. Sorry about the confusion.
  19. brettmc

    fake sun opinions...

    hmm interesting
  20. brettmc

    opinions on lights....

    i guess no opinions