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  1. butters

    advise on what to do

    allright, i figured out they are aiptasia, will a peppermint shrimp be ok in a tank thats cycling? or should i stick to joes juice and such?
  2. butters

    advise on what to do

    now that its night, i have my lights turned off for prolly an hour now. so i turned my bedroom lights on and there are dozens of these on one of my rocks they look like a umbrealla turned inside out, made of bunch of thin "tentacles" and are a light brown in color. with a very thick stem i dont...
  3. butters

    advise on what to do

    are actinic light meant to be turned off at night? from what i can find, i think they are? im also going to look for lunar lights at the lfs.
  4. butters

    advise on what to do

    what does it mean when they suck back in? does that mean they cought something and sucked in to eat it? i also have some small stems with a very fine hair on top. and another anemone looking thing, in the shape of a mouth and pointed tubes, im looking to see what it is now
  5. butters

    advise on what to do

    here i found this in the hitchhiker thread but the post says "This, I learned from Bang Guy is a "carribean mushroom", but thanks to my search engine the only info I could find were all about mushrooms that go into cooking recipes...unless... :thinking:...naaaah, couldn't be..." but the stuff...
  6. butters

    advise on what to do

    allright, i picked up 30lb of base rock, and so-far i got 6lb(lol) of LR im going to pick up $50 today, and get the 2 lights i need for my coralife compact. but the main thing i made this post for, is the 2 LR's i bought, both have what i belive to be, anemones on them. they are in little...
  7. butters

    advise on what to do

    allright, i got the tank filled got the salt mixed to 1.022 and added 40lbs of sand, and 20lbs of live sand on top of that. i also picked up 12 lbs of rock.... and i sold some stuff, so im going to order a hydor powerhead. would it be better to buy two smaller one than one bigger one? hydor 600...
  8. butters

    advise on what to do

    Whats the ABSOLUTE Min. LR I can have in my tank??? I can't afford to put that much in my tank when its $5 a Lb. At any of my local fish stores I haven't seen any reef rock thats not live.
  9. butters

    advise on what to do

    also, will i need to have power-heads right away? or will the LR and stuff be ok for a week or so what size & brand are recomended and how many?
  10. butters

    advise on what to do

    well before i buy that stuff, and set it all up, im still trying to figure out what kind of water can be used.... RO distilled tap the fish store 3min down the street sells it for $.49 a gallon, but i have no idea how to get 55g back here without making 20 trips im not shure the price of...
  11. butters

    advise on what to do

    Originally Posted by trippkid I'd say you need to figure that out first, before spending any more $. What you have listed should be compatible, the tang will get mixed reactions from others, they should have a roomy tank. Anenomes need strong light, T5 or MH(MH being optimal). Live rock will...
  12. butters

    advise on what to do

    Originally Posted by trippkid What are you planning on keeping in this tank? not totally shure, i want it to be a reef, with an anemone and a percula clown.. maybe a yellow tang and some blue damsils. those are not set is stone yet, im not shure how compatable they all are.
  13. butters

    advise on what to do

    if the ViaAqua is a decent skimmer i will prolly keep it, if not i will prolly buy a coralife SS.... i have an extra emperor 280, think i could replace the AC with that? im not very font of the emperor, i didnt feel it did a good job on my cichlid tank, i had problems with ammonia. it now has 2...
  14. butters

    advise on what to do

    i picked up a used 55g, tank stand filet and skimmer for $75..... the filter is a AC 300, but i think im missing parts on it. on the impeller, there is nothing above it to hold it in place and it keeps popping up and getting jammed. and it maked a horrid noise.... the skimmer is a ViveAqua, it...
  15. butters

    what would be the best to buy?

    ive been looking on these forums and googleing salt water tanks for the last 4 days trying to figure everything out for myself. therte are just some things i cant figure out. my local salt water store has a aquapod with a 70w HQI system for $380 once i eventually get to having the live inverts...
  16. butters

    what would be the best to buy?

    im looking at getting one of these smaller tanks, and im not shure what company has the best for what im looking for. i would obviously like some fish lol, all i know is i would like a percula clown, and maybe a black percula clown. and the snails and such that would be needed(not shure exactly...
  17. butters

    Oh. You won't believe this SETUP!110g SPS w/ 75g.Fuge AND ALL THE TRIMMINGS

    can you get some pics of the tank and stand for me? i live 20min away and will be interested in the tank when you can sell that. would i be able to hook up a canister filter to the tank?
  18. butters

    75 gal tank in Cincinnati, OH

    how much are you looking at getting for all of this? im near cleveland