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  1. irish1985

    transferring sand bed from running/cycled tank to new (same size) tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by oceandude Why not transfer ~70% of your water to large containers, place L/R in one; place critters in another large container, (with a little less established water), with circulation and heater; use the remaining established water in the old tank and stir, stir...
  2. irish1985

    transferring sand bed from running/cycled tank to new (same size) tank

    Hi all, so I decided to switch from my 75 gallon rectangle tank to a 76 gallon half circle tank. Part of my reasoning is simply aesthetics, but the half circle also comes with better filtration and lighting, so on top of getting a really cheap price, it seems like a sweet deal. Now I just spent...
  3. irish1985

    adding 2 new ocellaris into my 75 that's already housing a mated pair of ocellaris...bad idea?

    thanks :) that's what i'm thinking too Quote: Originally Posted by Flower I always heard just one pair... A 75g is not a big tank.
  4. irish1985

    adding 2 new ocellaris into my 75 that's already housing a mated pair of ocellaris...bad idea?

    i guess the subject says it all. i'm running a 75 gallon set up, about 75 pounds of live rock, plenty of hiding places, caves, etc. i have a small, mated pair of ocellaris, and was wondering if i can introduce 2 new ocelarris, both of which are a bit bigger than the mated pair? tried looking it...
  5. irish1985

    so who wants to make some money/build me a turf scrubber? i'm not joking...

    good to know, thanks for the all the info (and pics). decisions, decisions!
  6. irish1985

    so who wants to make some money/build me a turf scrubber? i'm not joking...

    thanks for the response saxman. curious why everyone wouldn't just run live macro instead of a turf scrubber if it's more simple? is it not as reef safe or something? i'll have to do some research on it. i have a FOWLR and am not looking to start a reef anytime soon, so maybe this will be a good...
  7. irish1985

    so who wants to make some money/build me a turf scrubber? i'm not joking...

    thanks for the replies! it seems like the most logical thing for me to do is attempt to build my own. i overcame the obstacle of setting up my r/o (which was basically put together when i received it, lol) so i guess i'll face my demons and give it a go...and it'll be a little bit more...
  8. irish1985

    so who wants to make some money/build me a turf scrubber? i'm not joking...

    hi folks. in the midst of my nitrate battle, my less than capable self was wondering who would like to earn a few bucks by building me a custom turf scrubber. i can't afford the ones that santamonica sells, and i've heard that it's possible to build a DIY one for around $50. i'd be happy to pay...
  9. irish1985

    Nitrates through the roof - sand bed, CUC, or bio-balls to blame?

    i finally finished cleaning all of the bio-balls last week. with each round (broken up into thirds) i mixed them in clean salt water pretty heavily, but not as much crap came off as i thought. nevertheless, they're done. after a test last week, the nitrates still didn't drop down, so i just did...
  10. irish1985

    Nitrates through the roof - sand bed, CUC, or bio-balls to blame?

    yup, i always test the salt water before it goes into the tank, and it always measures 0ppm for nitrates, and everything else. thanks for the tip though! Quote: Originally Posted by luvmyreef So after a large water change, there was no change in your nitrates? Have you tested your saltwater...
  11. irish1985

    Nitrates through the roof - sand bed, CUC, or bio-balls to blame?

    No corals and about 70 lbs of live rock. I have a little bit less than 1 inch of sand. Live stock includes 1 medium sized yellow tang, 1 smaller clown, 1 medium sized lawnmower blenny, 2 anemones, and a CUC which consists of 1 large banded shrimp, 1 small camelback shrimp, 5 large turbo snails...
  12. irish1985

    Nitrates through the roof - sand bed, CUC, or bio-balls to blame?

    i just bought the seachem nitrate/nitrite test and it's still off the charts on that kit (60+) Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Before you go crazy with the nitrate battle...get a different test kit. I got a Seachem test kit to replace my API kit. The strips are even worse and IMO should...
  13. irish1985

    Nitrates through the roof - sand bed, CUC, or bio-balls to blame?

    definitely going to hunt around for someone selling the turf scrubber - seems like it could solve a lot of my problems (and prevent future ones). thanks for the tip! Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef Hahaha. Yes, for the most part it is a DIY. There are a few people here and there that are...
  14. irish1985

    Nitrates through the roof - sand bed, CUC, or bio-balls to blame?

    i haven't. i just googled it though, and it looks like a DIY type project? i'm not a very good handy man, so might be a bad idea (i'm amazed i hooked up my R/O on my own lol) Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef have you looked into a Turf Scrubber?
  15. irish1985

    Nitrates through the roof - sand bed, CUC, or bio-balls to blame?

    so i received the SeaChem nitrite/nitrate test kit, and unfortunately my nitrates are still literally off the charts (60+ ppm is the max this test goes too). over the course of about 2 weeks i cleaned a third of the bio balls and did a couple of 20% water changes, and my nitrate readings were...
  16. irish1985

    so what does everyone prefer for the color of their lighting?

    sorry if this has already been discussed a thousand times, but i'm curious what people do for lighting as far as the k/color? i currently have a 150w 10k and i really don't like the "white" look...i'm thinking about jumping to a 20k to get more of a blue/"ocean feel"...thoughts?
  17. irish1985

    Anyone good at hooking up R/O's?! Just bought one from PureWaterClub. Plumbers unite!!

    Good to know, thanks a lot. I've got my RO hooked up in a closet that's on the same level and very close to my kitchen/living room, so a flood would not be good (and I rent, so it's not even my house). I'll invest in a float valve Thanks again Quote: Originally Posted by SCSInet To turn the...
  18. irish1985

    Anyone good at hooking up R/O's?! Just bought one from PureWaterClub. Plumbers unite!!

    #1 - good to know, thanks! #2 - so basically just keep an eye on it and use the faucet handle to manually turn the water + ro unit on/off? unless i want to get some sort of on/off switch to plug into the line, which seems like it would serve the same purpose as manually twisting the faucet...
  19. irish1985

    Building my 150 Gallon U-shaped Room Divider Tank

    Awesome tank, looking forward to following your developments
  20. irish1985

    Anyone good at hooking up R/O's?! Just bought one from PureWaterClub. Plumbers unite!!

    Thanks for the reply SCSI! #1 - This is probably a stupid question, but since i'm hooking up to where a washer/dryer use to be, can I simply place the R/O waste water tube freely inside my PVC drain pipe? See first photo I posted (my PVC drain pipe is on the far least I THINK that's a...