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  1. whitemike


    Ok thanks I got rid of it.
  2. whitemike


    I have two fire fish gobys and one of them looks like some thing took a bite out of its rear fin. I can't get a picture yet, but I was wondering if my banded shrimp might of attacked him or this a disease. Only one has damage to its rear tail fin. Any idea?
  3. whitemike


    This is the clam.
  4. whitemike


    This is the best shot I could get.
  5. whitemike


    O yeah the clam is about 3 to 4 inchs.
  6. whitemike


    SO thanks for the advice. I got another question I found a hitch hiker brown polyp on one of the rocks I just added. Its very small so I don't think I can take a picture of it yet, but is there any bad corals I should be woried about? Will it eat that food I have? I also picked up some coral...
  7. whitemike


    I bought a clam yesterday and I have chromo plex, zoo plex, and phyto plex. Now my question is this enough food or any of them the clam would not eat. I can't find any information on feeding clams except feed it phyto plex and micro vert. SHould I do that?
  8. whitemike


    My emerald crab ate him so he can't be that posionus.
  9. whitemike


    So does any one have any information on this besides its a slug, like what does it eat( besides sponges cause not all slugs eat sponges). If any one has this in a book and can tell me about or had one of there own any names or diet would be helpfull.
  10. whitemike


    So I got my skilter filter in the mail and its kind of big and makes more noise but is much much much better then the nano protein skimmer. The nano protein skimmer mkaes a lot of bubbles in the tank which my fish avoid going in those areas with bubbles and inj a small tank that like %25 of the...
  11. whitemike

    Emerald crab...

    Whats the two plates in front of its mouth what are they used for?
  12. whitemike


    I don't like the nano skimmer. First its fails to work for no reason. Second you have to replave pads for it almost every week and you can't buy them any where, but if you have the reciet the company who makes it will ship you some for free. Third I bought a filter with a built in protein...
  13. whitemike


    Im not concerned with the nitrates its the nirites that won't go down is that normal. If not what could be the problem?
  14. whitemike


    Oyeah I got like 5 - 10 pounds of live rock. I also feed brine shrimp 2 times a day.
  15. whitemike


    So my nirite is almost at zero but it won't go down any more, what does that mean? Amino 0 Nirite .01-.25 Nitrate 20. I got a 10 gallon tank with 9 inverts, and three small gobbies. I got a 20 gallon fillter which I change the filter pad every weak and nano protein skimmer. 20,000k bulb. I do...
  16. whitemike

    Yellow Watchman Gobby

    So he comes out more often now and I got a big cave he chills in front of. The funny things is I thought he would hang out with my shrimp, but he sleeps with my two firefish its a trip I didn't think that would happen.
  17. whitemike

    Yellow Watchman Gobby

    So I bought a gobby yesterday and hides all day long untill I feed him and I was wondering if he will get use to the tank and just chill some times cause he seems real scared and was all alone when I bought him so I just want to know any ones experince with this fish.
  18. whitemike

    Stupid question

    Sorry about that I fixed the problem I didn't even notice I did that. Yeah every thing looks fine sorry for buging you guys.
  19. whitemike

    Stupid question

    So I been adding live stock real good untill last time I add some new live stock to soon and it messed up my old cycle so I returned my rescent live stock and my question is will it go back a finish my previous cycle of my previous live stock I added?
  20. whitemike

    Coral Prop Vid by Eric Borneman

    Very intresting I also think this should be put in the archive.