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  1. whitemike

    Cock roachs?

    Ok thanks. :)
  2. whitemike

    Cock roachs?

    Another from top.
  3. whitemike

    Cock roachs?

    Whats is this it looks like a snail cocroach
  4. whitemike

    Online order

    Now there is a cob web mold thingy growing off it. Whats up with that? Is it the tencales trying to grow back or is some disease. Please help I don't know if I should keep it what if it starts killing things in my tank. Please give me some advice thank you.
  5. whitemike

    My First Tank

    Well I got them at *****. LOL Yes I got them at the same time. One of them is a leader and the other one just follows him around, but they hide a lot they just like to come out when Im not looking and when I feed them.
  6. whitemike

    Online order

    Thats with the bubbles blown up they are very small and very few of them.
  7. whitemike

    Online order

    Looks sad huh?
  8. whitemike

    White spots on live rocks.

    This is it
  9. whitemike

    Putting Faces to the Names

    I ove my eye.
  10. whitemike

    Putting Faces to the Names

    Thats me even though no one knows Im online here but here I am any ways. LOL
  11. whitemike

    My First Tank

    I replaced the nano protein skimmer with a filter pad filter with a built in protein skimmer which I run at night and run my carbon 20gallon filter all day. I added more stuff just let me get some new pictures.
  12. whitemike

    My First Tank

    Just some updates of whats changed more to come.
  13. whitemike

    Online order

    (Plerogyra sinuosa) Its pretty sad Ill take a picture tommrow.
  14. whitemike

    White spots on live rocks.

    Thanks for helping new people online Ill catch some other time when I have another question. I don't like asking my LFS cause they look at me like IM an idiot or the others don't no what I want to know.
  15. whitemike

    Online order

    I ordered a bubble coral and the bubbles are real small. Do you think it got damaged in the mail and it came with a hitch hiker crab who looked like he could do some real damage to my coral so he probally did it but my question is will it grow back to a healthy coral?
  16. whitemike

    White spots on live rocks.

    Thanks man thats what happened. Cause I remember I was cleaning it out of the bucket for a few seconds so that probally how it died. I read here to clean it in salt water I just thought it wouldn't be that big of a deal to have it out of the water for 15-30 sec's my bad, but thanks for the help. :)
  17. whitemike

    White spots on live rocks.

    Any ideas?
  18. whitemike

    White spots on live rocks.

    No salt water.
  19. whitemike

    White spots on live rocks.

    So I cleaned my rocks with a tooth brush cause it had some red slime on it and I added some new rocks, but now I see some white spots on my rocks and some of it rubs off but it almost looks like I rubed some stuff off is that what happened? Ill take some pictures tommrow.
  20. whitemike


    same time bought from the same place in the same tank, but one is much more aggresive then the other. I also had an emerald crab who just died so do you think he was trying to kill my fish cause he was hungry?