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  1. hawkfishman

    Korolia 1 powerhead placement question

    i will look into that. thanks for the tip
  2. hawkfishman

    Korolia 1 powerhead placement question

    so 2 of the k1s would be enough for my tank or would it be a good idea to just keep saving for a k2 or 3?
  3. hawkfishman

    Korolia 1 powerhead placement question

    i know that. i didnt have $65 on me to get 2.
  4. hawkfishman

    Korolia 1 powerhead placement question

    no corals to worry about
  5. hawkfishman

    Korolia 1 powerhead placement question

    i got one of these today and its on the left sid eof my tank pointing just a tad up and is roughly in the middle of the wall. since i only have one atm, is this a decent placement or is there an optimum place to put it? its a 55G tank btw
  6. hawkfishman

    storm season is coming. that=possible power outages.

    i would assume that as well. i guess if push comes to shove i can plug an outlet into my generator then hook up a powerhead to that. shouldnt suck too much power up. in theory.
  7. hawkfishman

    storm season is coming. that=possible power outages.

    i think the only time temp would be a factor against the fish would be at night ofc. im just afraid to one day wake up to the power being out for a while and i slept through it. and are there battery powered power heads?
  8. hawkfishman

    storm season is coming. that=possible power outages.

    as you all know, spring is pretty much sprung(at least in my area) and with that comes the chance for severe weather therefore power outages. here are my concerns regarding this potential issue: 1. how long can the fish survive WITHOUT the power(meaning basically without a filter running) 2...
  9. hawkfishman

    90 G tank for sale at a it worth it?

    and this is the protien skimmer/sump i suppose
  10. hawkfishman

    90 G tank for sale at a it worth it?

    ok here are some pictures of this tank. its down to 1,500 now
  11. hawkfishman

    90 G tank for sale at a it worth it?

    well i did tell them that if they dont sell it(which i doubt they will since i would think that it would have been on of the first things to go once they priced it) i would buy the skimmer and some of the rock. and i will try and get a pic of the tank today.
  12. hawkfishman

    90 G tank for sale at a it worth it?

    the local Petland is going out of biz, and has a 90G display tank for sale. it was setup by their "fish manager". has 150 pounds of LR, not sure how much LS, protien skimmer, UV sterilizer, 2 percula CF, anenome(not sure what kind), some specialty-made lighting system(extremly bright blue when...
  13. hawkfishman

    A Day Late.......

    Originally Posted by meowzer 2nd....kick your LFS in the butt!!!!!! I am sorry but you did receive some bad advice, but that happens a lot from lfs...remember,..they want the sales..... i really wish there was 1 single store that actually says anything close to what the 101 tips say in my...
  14. hawkfishman

    clarification on the "1 inch of fish per gallon of water" theroy

    yea i have ahd single firefish 2 times before, and they never made it more than a week. these guys are a week old in my tank today. they are eating good, which the others i had didnt eat much at all. probly too lonely lol. and yea, if i go to do a water change, as i said before, away they go...
  15. hawkfishman

    clarification on the "1 inch of fish per gallon of water" theroy

    the rock u see is where the firefish go when scared. and the dip in the sand in front is where the skunk made his bed. oh and the water is cloudy because i just put purpleUP in.
  16. hawkfishman

    clarification on the "1 inch of fish per gallon of water" theroy

    lol. that usually makes both my firefish, the SB, the tiger wardi, and the LMB all hide in rocks. i did a 5 gallon water change yesterday and the "dartfish" earned their names. but the funny thing was, everytime i went to empty the 1 gallon jug that i use to drain the tank, the FF always came...
  17. hawkfishman

    clarification on the "1 inch of fish per gallon of water" theroy

    ah i think i have read about the traps. u lure them in with food them catch em. ofc that is para-phrasing. lol
  18. hawkfishman

    clarification on the "1 inch of fish per gallon of water" theroy

    i have no plans on adding more fish to the tank. if anything, i would get rid of the scooter blenny and the skunk clown. the SB just because he doesnt have the prefered diet that he should have and the skunk clown because i know they can be as aggresive as a damsel. ofc i learned this after i...
  19. hawkfishman

    clarification on the "1 inch of fish per gallon of water" theroy

    i think it all comes down to your tank and how its setup since no 2 tank setups are the same and ofc no 2 fish are the same. like my skunk clownfish. he goes to the front of the tank every night and basically goes to his "bed" he made from the tail shake move he has. lol. never seen either of...
  20. hawkfishman

    clarification on the "1 inch of fish per gallon of water" theroy

    the good thing about the SB is that if he starts acting funny or i decide not to keep him, he has a 7 day warranty/guarentee/w.e. and i had a LMB before in the 20G and he loved algae wafers. so, i will try that once the algae is down and if he decides not to eat it, i will give him to a friend...