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  1. hawkfishman

    clarification on the "1 inch of fish per gallon of water" theroy

    just got the SB saturday. and the LMB for almost a week. the LMB is actually taking care of some of the agale on the back wall of the tank. and the tank has been up just under a month(1 actual month on wednsday) but i had my canister filter on my 20G SW tank before i tore it down so i hope that...
  2. hawkfishman

    clarification on the "1 inch of fish per gallon of water" theroy

    i thought the same when the LFS manager told me thats what i needed. but, i said ok because i can always get rid of inverts like snails easier that i can fish. snails dont travel through crevices at warp 12 like gobys and blennies do lol. and just a FYI, i LUV gobies and blennies. my 2 favirote...
  3. hawkfishman

    clarification on the "1 inch of fish per gallon of water" theroy

    mkay. no anemones. no shrimps either. or clams. i'm getting a crapton of snails (25 nerite, 25 cerith, and 25 of some other kind i cant remeber) as soon as the LFS gets them in. im in my algae phase now. :( just the brown diatom though so its more of an asthetic killer. i did get 3 conchs to...
  4. hawkfishman

    clarification on the "1 inch of fish per gallon of water" theroy

    ok so generaly speaking, 10 to 12 fish of 3-4 inches per fish. thats not bad. i think i have roughly 20 inches of fish in there atm. heres a list just in case anyone wants to do the math on how big they are/will get 2x misbar clownfish 1x orange skunk clownfish 2x firefish goby 1x tiger wardi...
  5. hawkfishman

    clarification on the "1 inch of fish per gallon of water" theroy

    ok i have a 55G tank running with a rena xp2 canister filter. i have heard many diffrent variations to this theory. many ending with "it all comes down to the fish" which im sure is very true. BUT, what is the average amount of fish u can safely sustain in a 55G tank?
  6. hawkfishman

    canister filters any good for saltwater?

    i got a rena Xp2 on my 55 gallon. it works good, just kinda messy to clean. im thinking of upgrading to one of those bio-ball filtration devices sometime soon. from what i hear at a few diffrent lfs, thats one of the best u can get. just wish they didnt cost like 2-300 bucks..
  7. hawkfishman

    Porcupine Puffer has turned into serial killer.

    this makes me stop and think about getting a porc puffer sometime down the road. i luv the little guys, but i dont really want my tank to turn into a 1 specimen tank. and it figures that one of the LFS just got 2 of them in. i think they are medium sized and run for 44.99. plus they got another...
  8. hawkfishman

    spare 5 gallon tank. anything i can use it for?

    ok if i use it to bred the pods, would it need to have good filtration? and i dont currenlty have a sump, i have a rena Xp2 canister filter. so, if i were to stick the sponge? and, i would need live rock in the 5 gallon and live sand? sorry, but im new to the sump/ref/copepod breeding thing lol
  9. hawkfishman

    new tank. new problems..

    update: i lost 1 firefish this morning. i think due to him not eating as much or at all. everyone else seems fine though. all swimmin good and breathing good.
  10. hawkfishman

    spare 5 gallon tank. anything i can use it for?

    really? a manits? i didnt think a 5 gallon would really hold much life in it. lol. how small are they/can they be?
  11. hawkfishman

    spare 5 gallon tank. anything i can use it for?

    i have a spare 5 gallon tank now since i moved my GSP puffer into the 10 gallon tank. i had the 5G tank set-up for my puffer as brakish as i could. now, after i attempt to clean the thing out, is there anything i can use it for? i keep thinking of doing something with some live rock with it...
  12. hawkfishman

    new tank. new problems..

    i havent mentioned nitrItes because i have tested them as much as i test the Ph/ammonia/nitrAtes which is at least once a day. and the nitrItes have never been above 0. oh god, why did i say that cause now i know what will happen tomorrow moring when i do the checks....frig! anywho, all my...
  13. hawkfishman

    new tank. new problems..

    the thing is, my LFS only knows of 5 of the 7 fish i have atm. and yes, i know that adding that much at once is pretty much stupid, but none of the fish i have bought have been over 20$. here is my stocklist: 2x extreme misbar clownfish 1x orange skunk clownfish (which is most likely returning...
  14. hawkfishman

    new tank. new problems..

    oh i have a side question as well. how many fish can i safely put in this 55 gallon tank? i already have 7 total fish. none exceeding 3" i belive.
  15. hawkfishman

    New user looking to setup first salt water Aquarium

    how big is it? that determines alot of what u will need. from what i hear on hear and my LFS, u should have at LEAST a pound per gallon of live rock and around the same of live sand. hopefully i helped a bit :)
  16. hawkfishman

    new tank. new problems..

    i know but the selection around here is TERRIBLE. nothing worth buying. i did buy 2 pounds of base rock last night though. they are "supposed" to become live again over time as the algae from the other rocks spreads.
  17. hawkfishman

    new tank. new problems..

    cleaning it is kind of a pain. and the build-up of small particles at the bottom of the actual canister is a bit more than i would like but other than that its done great.
  18. hawkfishman

    new tank. new problems..

    lights were on. lol
  19. hawkfishman

    new tank. new problems..

    i have been adding the API stress zyme to speed the bio filtration as intructed by my LFS manager who i am very confident in his knowledge. and funnly enough, about 10 minutes after i posted this they started to swim around the entire tank rather than just on top. and they are eating. the...
  20. hawkfishman

    new tank. new problems..

    ok i now have a 55 gallon aquarium with 40 pounds of fine arga-alive sand and 21 pounds of live rock in it. the inverts are doing ok as far as i can tell but i got 2 extreme misbar clownfish last night and i woke up this morning and they are always floating close to the surface of the water. i...