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  1. samschwitz

    Help with Nitrite!

    Yeah sorry definitely trates... Just added a new fish everything is alive and well, and I am feeding twice a day... I always make sure to feed just enough that they will eat...
  2. samschwitz

    Help with Nitrite!

    Hey guys just checked all of my levels today... Ph 8.2 Nitrate 0 Ammonia 0 and Nitrate was off the chart... Tank has been established for 5 months... Any help would be great... I have 2 lunar wrasses, one picasso trigger, hermit crabs and some conchs... 60 gallon tank
  3. samschwitz

    Micro Bubbles!!

    Well guys I had a nice terminator 2 skimmer until it broke moving So I put a sponge on the water outlet and the bubbles went away! I really can't afford a new skimmer right now so I guess this will have to do for awhile... Thanks guys!
  4. samschwitz

    Micro Bubbles!!

    Hey guys.. I just put a Sea Clone 100 protein skimmer on my tank and I am having major micro bubble issues! I know there is much speculation out there regarding whether they pose a threat or not, but today I want to get rid of them because they are unsightly! So any suggestions would be great...
  5. samschwitz

    Darn Nitrates!!!

    You need to check your tank for any metals asap!!! My roommate had the same thing happen to his tank and there was a paper clip in the bottom!! Something so small can create huge water quality issues!
  6. samschwitz

    What is this on my rock?

    It could be the start of the nasty red algae as well! You should check your ph and make sure it is in the parameters. Also make certain there is water flow because it will take over corals!
  7. samschwitz

    Tang and Foxface Help!!!

    This is a 75 gallon tank... I am a dental surgeon, and this evening I was tired of seeing holes poked in my foxface, so I clipped the tangs barbs down to a level the shouldn't be a nuisance anymore. There was no bleeding and my neighbor (a marine biologist) oversaw this procedure and no harm was...
  8. samschwitz

    Tang and Foxface Help!!!

    I have a tang and a foxface that aren't getting along to well. The tang keeps poking him with the barb on his tail... I have rearranged all of the rock to help with territory issues but this doesn't seem to help! Should I sell him?
  9. samschwitz


  10. samschwitz


  11. samschwitz


  12. samschwitz

    Any Fish Or Corals For Wholesale!!!

    I just wanted to let everyone know that I am able to receive any coral or fish at a drastically reduced rate. All corals are softball size and go for 50 dollars a piece. I can get practically any fish such as a blue tang (Dory) for 40 dollars and thats a 6 inch mature tang. I can also get...
  13. samschwitz

    Any Coral Or Fish For Wholesale!

    I just wanted to let everyone know that I am able to receive any coral or fish at a drastically reduced rate. All corals are softball size and go for 50 dollars a piece. I can get practically any fish such as a blue tang (Dory) for 40 dollars and thats a 6 inch mature tang. I can also get...
  14. samschwitz

    Sick Puffer Fish

    My puffer has recently overcame ICH disease and all of the bumps have recently disappeared. However at this time he is getting pretty pale and stays on the bottom of the tank all of the time with his mouth open breathing very shallow and quickly. Is there anyone out there that can help me with...
  15. samschwitz

    lion fish stings

    Like I was stating earlier. I was not careless, the lion was on the other side of the tank. I have decided to keep him but I will be placing a net over while a friend holds it before I put my hand in the tank again! I would not handfeed them at all! The could mistake your hand for prey via scent...
  16. samschwitz

    lion fish stings

    I was stung by my Lion Fish today. I immediately soaked it under hot water and felt really hot and my bp went up to 160 over 100. My pulse rate went to 165 and I sweated immensely. I am not allergic to bees and I felt faint. I called 911 immediately and was rushed to the hospital Code 3. I was...