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  1. mamie

    Hitch hiker

    Thanks! I will go and check that out! :)
  2. mamie


    Ok thanks. Don't the powerheads make tons of tiny bubbles? I havw 2 Aquaclear 301 powerheads from the last time I had my tank set up and they made lots of bubbles.. Linda
  3. mamie

    Hitch hiker

    Cool! Thanks:)
  4. mamie


    Are powerheads a must? My filter is good to 50 gallon tank. Do I still need one? Thanks, Linda:confused:
  5. mamie

    Hitch hiker

    I found this little guy the other day. What kind of starfish it is I do not know, but hey it was free.. Linda
  6. mamie


    Here is another view of him..
  7. mamie


    This starfish is a hitch hiker on my live rock. I can't believe it made it after 3 weeks of curing. It is missing a leg,arm or whatever it is called.The size is about 1/4 inch. Does anyone know what kind of starfish it is? Thanks, Linda
  8. mamie

    Protein Skimmer

    Thanks For all your help! I can get it right now! :)
  9. mamie

    Protein Skimmer

    The skimmer I have is attached to my filter. It ia am Amiracle sl-5.
  10. mamie

    Protein Skimmer

    All righty then I understand that, thanks. Now how do i make it dry? My foam is wet. What do then mean by the bottom of the cup? Is that the bottom where the the hole is or the bottom where the big ring is? If I raise the water level in the filter to the bottom where the hole or tube for the...
  11. mamie

    Protein Skimmer

    How can you tell if the foam from a protein skimmer is dry? I have a 30gal tank with an Amiracle Sl-5 filter. Deep sand bed subrtate. Ph-8.4 amonia 0.25 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-0 sal.-1.023 2-percs 2-damsels 1-lawnmower blenny 5-turbo snails 4-red hermit crabs I know about the amonia problem. I have...
  12. mamie

    CC to sand

    Thanks everyone for all your help. I really appreciate it.. Linda:)
  13. mamie

    CC to sand

    I have 6 fish. Three damsels, 2 perc clowns and onw lawnmower blenny. I am going to check with the sand company now before I do anything else to make sure it is not silicate and how it was sanitsed. Thanks for all your help. Linda :)
  14. mamie

    CC to sand

    Ok I bought some sand but could not find the brand you all talk about at Home Depot or Lowes. I did get Lighthouse playsand.It says it is sanatised. Do you have to wash it first? If so how do I go about that? How long will it take for it to settle down? I have to do something with my fish while...
  15. mamie

    Clean up Crew

    Thanks for the help Mike. I feed them pelts every other day,although I just started feeding them evry other day last week. I have only changed the water once and it was 5gallons. I made the saltwater and let it sit over night. I used a gravel cleaner to clean the crushed coral and take out the...
  16. mamie

    Clean up Crew

    How many and what kind of clean up crew do I need? I have a 30 gallon tank with Amiarcle filter/protein(good for up to 55 gal.) skimmer,crushed coral bed, 2 perc. clowns,3 damsels and a lawnmower blenny(is really cool to watch by the way). My tank is up and running for a little over 2 months...
  17. mamie

    Digital Tips

    No I do not have a shutter speed on my camera. I do have a record mode though, I can change that to high speed recording maybe that will fix it. Thanks
  18. mamie

    Clownfish at night

    My clowns do the same thing at night! The first day I had them I thought they died in the morning,but they seem to do the same thing every night. I thought it was because I do not have any anemones for them.
  19. mamie

    Digital Tips

    Does anyone have any tips on taking pictures of fast moving fish with a digital camera? I haven't been successful at it. Thanks, Mamie:mad: