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  1. irnman51

    Brown algae

    thank you for the reply.
  2. irnman51

    Brown algae

    Hello all, My ? is that i have had my tank running solo for about 2 months. Solo i mean that only feeding and water cap-offs where going on.. I surpassed the green and red algae at least i think so.. Or it could be the lack of flourecent light.the lights being burned out. I just got new bulbs...
  3. irnman51

    Filter Cleaning..

    thank you for the reply beth.. the filter is a bio life 55 sidemount hangon you see the reason y i ask is that i had the water level in the tank lower than the required water level for the filter due to water and tank cleaning.... .. there was a lot of gunk in the filter not only the pads but...
  4. irnman51

    Filter Cleaning..

    Hello all.. My ? is can my fliter that i turned off about 3 weeks ago be washed in vingar and water to kill the dead smell or must it just be water ... thank you
  5. irnman51

    Pump output reducing!!! PLease help

    Dr. forgive the horrible drawing ... it some what discribes what i have a the current moment .. I have been thinking about your "T" insert a lot... The pump will have a 3/4'' to 5/8" adapter connect to that a 5/8" hose about 2 ft.. that connected to the 1 downward one.. The other end will...
  6. irnman51

    Pump output reducing!!! PLease help

    Dr, That is a great setup... alot of pvc though. Was thinking of a design that went a lil something like this... O I I I I______________ (_____1 1/2" ____ .. ) .................. I I ........... ......... I I ....... .... .................. O The 1 1/2 " thick...
  7. irnman51

    How to..... South down play sand...

    Thank you for your relpy Thomas... i will start the hunt for egg crate in the morning will post results .... on QT tank should i use the orginal water from the tank.. P.S the CC is very messy..
  8. irnman51

    Adding Lg Bait Shrimp to tank..

    hello all.. A question to the forum... do you think it is a good idea to set in a hand full of Lg Bait shrimp got from the LBaitS ... or is it detrimental to the other inhabitants?? ... test levels?? etc.. if anyone could let me know please ASAP..
  9. irnman51

    How to..... South down play sand...

    hello all.. I just had gotten a couple of bags of southdown.. I have heard of it being used in sand beds.. I currently have CC and really not liking it.. green and red alge. I have been wanting to change to sand and finally have time to do so. If you all could help me on doing this "switch" CC...
  10. irnman51

    Pump output reducing!!! PLease help

    hello all.. again thank you for the replies.. Dreeves, this goes out to you ... your suggestion sounds great and very benifical... although i really don't get how the end product is going to look like or where to start.. if you would/ould please send me a pic or diagram on this pipe work.. it...
  11. irnman51

    Can i use chrushed oster shells as bedding

    thank you for your reply.. Yet i was planning to crush to fine as i can get it and then add to the tank..
  12. irnman51

    Pump output reducing!!! PLease help

    hello all i had just got my hands on a 1/4hp sump pump and am dying to use it in a sump.. i have a 40gal tall that i want to setup for the sump/refuge area.. yet my problem is the pump is a very aggressive and need to reduce the out put... any idea's
  13. irnman51

    Can i use chrushed oster shells as bedding

    hey all my ? is that i have access to a whole lot of oster shells and wanted to know if they would have a benifical effect on a fish only aquarium. if you wqould please let me know asap.. thank you
  14. irnman51


    Hello all i am posting this due to a very large amout of green and brown alge (diatom).. it's killing me. I had bought a window magnet cleaner the other day and WOW it was crazy.. I was thinking of just killing the tank and zap it all with copper yet couldn't do it. I keep telling my self that...
  15. irnman51

    Pinnapple trigger eyes cloudy

    beth, The triggers eyes are cloudy all the time i see them... Could i use a treatment or anything to cure or is it a real problem. Another ? I had just got a large lawnmower blenny. I purchased him b/c he looked very hardy and was active. I put in tank with others(trigger/wrasse) and was acting...
  16. irnman51

    Pinnapple trigger eyes cloudy

    Hello all, My triggers eyes i noticed have been cloudy for some time now. Can someone tell me what this is from and help getting rid of it if possible..
  17. irnman51

    The use of ChemPure

    Hello all, Just the other day after doing a 20% water change i went out and bought 1 full part of chem pure filter media bag for my tank. i had gotten a lot of good responses before i had purchased yet it has been in the tank a totall of 4 days now and algae is still growning both red and...
  18. irnman51

    Play Sand...

    Hello, All I just purchased some playsand at Local Hardware Store.. My consern was that it did not state it was "south down" Should i be alright with it..