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  1. mikester311

    What is on my trigger?

    I don't have a hospital tank set up yet, but I'm working on it. I thought those meds were for some sort of parasite? Can I sill use them for this problem?
  2. mikester311

    What is on my trigger?

    Ok, well a few posts back I posted a problem with something on this fish's eye. It's seemed to go away for now but now the fish has these white splotches on it's body where it looks like it's skin is peeling. It's also itching against the tank a lot. My water parameters are all 0 except the...
  3. mikester311

    Niger with eye problem?

    Terry, Although some days it does look like a parasite of some kind, it's not internal and it's not always there. The last two days there has been a mucus/sleep like film on part of it's eyes. And it seems to move around like on a person's eyes.. I also noticed some very pale whitish blotches on...
  4. mikester311

    Attn: TerryB. re: Niger with eye problem?

    Terry, Beth suggested that I try to get your advice on the problem I have with my Niger trigger. The thread is called "Niger with eye problem?" Thanks for your help! Mike
  5. mikester311

    Niger with eye problem?

    Beth, I don't have an offical QT tank right now. I haven't had too many problems before so I never really needed it. I'll send TerryB a email and alert him to this thread. Thanks, Mike
  6. mikester311

    Niger with eye problem?

    Now that I just looked at it again, it seems to be shifed over to the center of it's eye and it looks flatter and cloudy vs. slolid and streamy. I also noticed something similar looking really small starting to develop on it's other eye. What could this be and how can I start to treat it...
  7. mikester311

    Niger with eye problem?

    Beth, You know I was thinking that, but it always seems to be different sizes or lenths. Sometimes one and sometimes two pieces and it always seems to fall off after a few days. After that I still see the fish itching, but I can't see anything on it. I just thought it was wierd how it always...
  8. mikester311

    Niger with eye problem?

    This Niger was the last addition to my tank about 2 months ago. About a week after I added it I noticed that was scratching against the sand and rocks like it itching. It has also had this weird white piece of something?? that keeps attaching itself to the trigger's right eye. Sometimes it's one...
  9. mikester311

    Hang on Berlin Skimmer with Pump

    yellowfin, You have email. Mike
  10. mikester311

    Hang on Berlin Skimmer with Pump

    yellowfin, Is the skimmer still for sale? If so I may be interested. Mike
  11. mikester311

    Wanted to buy: skimmer for 72gal

    Thanks Myk! I appricate the offer. :D
  12. mikester311

    Wanted to buy: skimmer for 72gal

    I thin $200 is a little more than I wanted to spend right now plus I think that skimmer would be overkill for my 72. A mag 7 pump is better and more powerfull than my CA 2200 retun pump. :D
  13. mikester311

    Wanted to buy: skimmer for 72gal

    Is it a in-sump skimmer?
  14. mikester311

    Wanted to buy: skimmer for 72gal

    I am looking for a good skimmer for my 72gal. I'll eventually be upgrading to a 125 one of these days, so if it will work on that it's even better. Mike
  15. mikester311

    Replacement pump for skimmer?

    I was trying to find a pump that wouldn't require too much modifications to my skimmer. Sort of a "plug & play" pump where I can take the old Rio out and replace it with something else. :)
  16. mikester311

    Replacement pump for skimmer?

    ReefersX2, I think I understand what you mean but, if you have pictures that would be awsome!!! Thanks, Mike
  17. mikester311

    Replacement pump for skimmer?

    jamesurq, I was thinking the same thing about the Mag. I know they are great pumps but I don't think they have the venturis or connections for a skimmer?? Also, it's funny, I am having the same problem as you with my rio not keeping the water level up. All my crap collected just under the cup...
  18. mikester311

    What's wrong with my puffer?

    The tank is a 72 bowfront. He has plenty of room right now I think? You may be right about his reflection though? I never thought of that but it may be a possibility. : )
  19. mikester311

    What's wrong with my puffer?

    I have a 3" stripped puffer that gets freakes out every once in a while and rams it's face into the glass and zooms around the tank bumping into things. It's wierd because it's usually when the lights are off and all the other fish are sleaping. I also came out about 4 in the morning the other...
  20. mikester311

    Replacement pump for skimmer?

    I have a Knop in sump skimmer. Right now it has a Rio 800 pump which is making all kinds of racket and keeps locking up. I want to replace the pump, but I'm not sure what else I could use besides another Rio and I really don't want to do that. I was thinking of a Maxi jet but I'm not sure if it...