Search results

  1. mikester311

    two wrasses together?

    Michael, Thanks for the reply. I have a 72 gallon and right now everything in the tank seems to get along pretty good with each other. The dragon wrasse I have minds it own business and it's probably the least aggressive of anything in the tank. I do understand that eventually I will have to...
  2. mikester311

    two wrasses together?

  3. mikester311

    two wrasses together?

    I currently have a small dragon wrasse along with a niger trigger, huma huma trigger, and stripped puffer. They are all still pretty small. The biggest fish is probablly the puffer who is about 3" long. My question is if wrasses get along with other wrasses. I saw this really cool clown wrasse...
  4. mikester311

    Sargassum Trigger

    I came across this link that says they are reef compatable too.
  5. mikester311

    Everything your ever wanted to know about Southdown

    jhead, I live in jacksonville and I tried to find Southdown everywhere and never had any luck. So, you are saying that this company Marcona here in Jacksonville has the sand and will sell it to the public? Mike
  6. mikester311

    white spots on fins

    I went out of town for the holidays and came back to my fiji puffer and white spots on it's fins and around it's mouth a little. They look too big to be ick, but I don't know? Any ideas? The coral beauty in the same tank doesn't have any signs of the spots. Thanks, Mike
  7. mikester311

    southdown sand

    RobN70, Since I am in Florida, Southdown has been impossible to find. And I never could find any playsand from HD or Lowes other than Quickcrete and a few other silica based sands with I didn't really want to take my chances with. I finally ended up ordering from, but if there...
  8. mikester311

    southdown sand

    I'm in Florida too. Where can you find yardrite? I did a search on the net and couldn't come up with anything.
  9. mikester311

    Will this work?

    Thanks for the good advise. I will give it a shot. Mike
  10. mikester311

    Will this work?

    If I were to put the filter pad from the new filter in my established tank for a week or so, where would I put it for the best results? In the overflow? Or the wet/dry? Thanks! Mike
  11. mikester311

    Will this work?

    I am setting up a 10 gallon tank for a temporary "time out" for one of my triggers because it's getting really aggressive toward the other fish in my tank. I want to keep the trigger in there for 4 or 5 days to let him cool off and then my wife wanted to use the tank for a few clowns for other...
  12. mikester311

    Pygmy Angels... ich magnets?

    Musipilot, you are truely a jedi master! LOL Great advice!
  13. mikester311

    Looking for a return pump.

    I am looking for a return pump to replace my Rio 2500 too. Maybe a Mag 7 or something similar? Anyone looking to get rid of one? Mike
  14. mikester311

    do you keep you protein skimmer on all of the time?

    I just got this new skimmer and I was wondering if you are suppose to leave the skimmer running in the sump all of the time?
  15. mikester311

    Can anyone ID this anemone?

    When i think of an anonome, I think of a Condy, BTA, Etc.. that are pretty much just there unless they shrink or move. This one is pretty much static. It has been attached to this piece of plastic that's burried in the sand since it's been in the tank for the last 6 months. It also opens and...
  16. mikester311

    Can anyone ID this anemone?

    Karlas, I have done a search on the net and can't seem to come up with anything. That's the main reason I posted it on this site. I like it and it's super hardy and doesn't seem to require a lot of light, so hopefully I can keep it. Mike
  17. mikester311

    Can anyone ID this anemone?

    Thanks for the info Jake.. I hope it's not a bad one. So far it hasn't spread although it has gotten a little bigger. Right now it's only about 1/2 inch big. I did have a new Condy that came in contact with it and a few days later it died. the condy was pretty big in comparison, so I don't know...
  18. mikester311

    Can anyone ID this anemone?

    This anemone came as a hitchhiker on the bottom of a large hermit crab. I have looked around and have not been able to find any info on it at all. Has anyone know what kind of anemone this is? Or have any info on it?
  19. mikester311

    Maroon clown and spots

    I don't have a hospital tank set up right now. If I did, what do you treat it with? Also, I thought ick was bold white spots. I have seen it on tangs at the lfs. This looks more like it's skin is pealing or something?
  20. mikester311

    Maroon clown and spots

    I just picked up a really nice looking yellow stripe maroon clown and it seems to have sort of a white film/spots over it and it doesn't seem to be interested in any of the food I put in the tank. A friend told me to give it a 5 minute fresh water bath every day until the spot are gone, but as...