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  1. balltung75

    Hair Algae

    do emerald crabs eat it?
  2. balltung75

    Hair Algae

    i got quite the plague goin on in my 10 gallon. What inverts eat hair algae my tank is to small for a lawndmower blenny
  3. balltung75

    update on 10!!

    do that royal dottyback and clown get together? i was thinking of getting a clown but my dottyback is tre aggressive
  4. balltung75

    To many fish??

    I have several fish and several snails in there
  5. balltung75

    To many fish??

    I have a ten gallon and i currently have a royal dottyback and a neon goby. would it be to much to put a clown percula in there too??
  6. balltung75

    Royal dottybacks

    Can anyone tell me anything about these fish, i want as much info as possible
  7. balltung75

    starting a fuge......questions

    i wana start a 5-10 gallon fuge on my 10 gallon tank and connect it with power heads, i was wondering aside from lr in a fuge do you just let the algae thrive or what am i supposed to stock it with??? im noob
  8. balltung75

    algae sheets?

  9. balltung75

    algae sheets?

    where can i buy algae sheets for my hermits.....When i had a pleco in my fresh water tank i bought him algae pellets but would those be save to use here?? i need some guidence
  10. balltung75

    DIY fuge for 10 gal

    I took a 1 gallon acrylic tank from wallmart and connected it to my main tank using an empty filter. I cut a ridge in the acrylic so it then drains back to the main tank overhead side
  11. balltung75

    1 Gallon Fuge

    overhead Side Sorry for the lighting
  12. balltung75

    1 Gallon Fuge

    well it worked and its up and running, i cut a small ridge on the acrylic tank so that as the tank fills from the filter it falls through the ridge back into the main tank......IT WORKS!!!
  13. balltung75

    1 Gallon Fuge

    Well im in the middle of making it anyhow, and i came across a i need filtration on the fuge?? im thinking no
  14. balltung75

    1 Gallon Fuge

    Ive already spent alot so im trying to save where I can. Also a 10 gallons is only 9.99 buy the light will be much more so i decided to get this. Also, what about all the people making a fuge out of and aqua clear filter? that cant be bigger than what im trying to do.
  15. balltung75

    1 Gallon Fuge

    Is a one gallon fuge acceptable for my 10 gallon tank?? Ive seen people making them from the aqua clear filters so i figured it would be. I bought a 1 gallon acrylic tank for 10 dollars from walmart (hood and all) and i am going to connect it to my main tank using an extra empty filter. The...
  16. balltung75

    Tank Cycling

    Thank ya ill test my water and post the levels tomorrow
  17. balltung75

    Tank Cycling

    I am cycling my tank and I got a diatome bloom and i was wondering if i need to do water changes!? its been 2 weeks and I havent done any water changes!?
  18. balltung75

    Snails!!! Help

    Ive been watching my aquarium and every day i notice new snails.....They are really small the size of a pinhead some but what do i do!!!! can i buy something to eat them ??? help soon ill be overrun
  19. balltung75

    Tank Temperature

    Does anyone have any diy ways to cool off your tank.......i cant seem to cool mine down for more than an hour
  20. balltung75

    New 10 gal Pics

    Yes i dont have money for a big 50 gallon biggest id go for now is 20