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  1. invaderzim

    Condy Anenome

    Don't forget your helmet. hahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
  2. invaderzim

    Condy Anenome

    I don't take the bus, the school is across the street. That's fun. Oh yeah, special education?? I remember my 3rd grade friend taking that class, last time I visited that class was in the 4th grade when some kid puked his brains out. Disgusting,
  3. invaderzim

    Condy Anenome

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Elvis has left the building. suck hahahahAHAHAHAHAHA I'm sick of this board. Time to go find some help that is useful. suck hahahah aHAHAHAHA
  4. invaderzim

    Condy Anenome

    hahahahhaha that cracks me up..... no, i never did an experiment on lighting and anemones, but on anemones and clownfish. HAHAHAHA The fair is in a couple weeks so I gotta go make some sort of " poster for my experiment. you are god sammy. you know everything How do you know that I am not doing...
  5. invaderzim

    Sad, SAD Day

  6. invaderzim

    Sad, SAD Day

    I didn't mean for that to come out like that kickster. You shut up. Goodness. I ment that in first person. Meaning that If it was in my posittion I'd do that. It wasn't third person omniscient. If it was then It would be mean. Sheesh. Hey kickster, what would you do in that situation?? ROll a...
  7. invaderzim

    Condy Anenome

    emmy I know the sting The sting??? I was just sort of " answering". I know about anemones, I'm doing my whole biology report and experiment on them. :D ;)
  8. invaderzim

    Finally, my new powerhead

    BAng guy, I have and overflow from the eclipse, but this will be gone soon. I am building a refugium so the overflow box i guess, might replace the eclipse overflow. It's not very strong though. (the eclipse overflow that is).. So far I've kept it on all day, and i keep it at a moderate to low...
  9. invaderzim

    Finally, my new powerhead

    Ahhhh, i see now. it says 550 Powerhead, Maybe that's the model i guess. Not 450. And then 145 gph. Sorry bout that. Any advice?
  10. invaderzim

    Finally, my new powerhead

    I just got a new powerhead yesterday.. IT's penguin powerhead, 450 gph. My question is, do I keep it on all day and night, or do I turn it on or off at certain times?? Thanks.
  11. invaderzim

    Condy Anenome

    The sting??? I've handled a condy before at my LFS. The guy was a great big wuss so I bumped in and got it out. The sting doesn't hurt at all. IT's just sticky. It will grab on sort of like an octopus or so. It's sort of even ticklish. I've never seen a condy with a clown before.... Hopefully...
  12. invaderzim

    Sad, SAD Day

    fsshub, I wasn't saying anything about you sitting on you a$$ all day. I was trying to help. I just have an imaginative mind. Anyone could probabl tell that if they were in your situation, they'd do everything they could. I'm sure that you spend a lot of time next to it, who wouldn't?? BEst of...
  13. invaderzim

    Arrow crabs...

    I must be lucky then.. my arrow crab leaves everything alone. Except the bristleworms. My god does he love them.:)
  14. invaderzim

    Does any one have.....

    decorator crabs?
  15. invaderzim

    Step one in my new 20 high gal reef tank

    DIndi, i'm glad to hear you shot for some black sand, not many people have done that.. From the picture it looks like its black and white. COuld you explain that possibly? Was it just the camera? Thanks!!! Good Luck, that sea apple looks awesome.
  16. invaderzim

    Sad, SAD Day

    well the budget issue was good atleast. So you have no power??? Well if i was in your situation i would seriously take action and not just sit there. I'd pop some candles around that tank and try to atleast keep it warm somehow. Well if there's no...
  17. invaderzim

    I use metal halide bulbs at work. Can I use these same bulbs for my tank?

    If you have a ballast , that would be sweet for the tank. The bulbs will prolly be in a wrong color spectrum for the tank. You could buy some aquarium MH and then use the ballast you have!!!
  18. invaderzim

    Step one in my new 20 high gal reef tank

    i beleive so since he stated an apple. That seems to be mixed with white sand no?
  19. invaderzim

    Dumb Newbie Questions

    Welcome to the board. I'd think that live rock can be exposed to air, after all, how would you transfer it. The LFS water should not be exposed to your tank after all. To buy a cycle??? You can buy bacteria to introduce it to the cycle. That's all I'll answer from experience.
  20. invaderzim

    frog fish anglers anyone have

    I am no expert but i recently did a little reading.. The frogfish will do best in a tank from 5 to 20 gal. size tank. They are best kept alone,with no other fish. They can eat fish up to the size of their body and can cause trouble in your main tank if you have fish and inverts. They also...