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  1. wrongmove

    Fish limits

    Thanks...again, I guess the Yellow Tang is out. It will just have to wait untill I get a bigger tank. As far as the goby goes if it will be ok with the tank size I will wait untill the tank can support him. Unless by then I have my bigger tank in which case I will just wait longer. So far from...
  2. wrongmove

    Fish limits

    Thank you, That is why I asked. The big question about the Yellow Tang is how fast they grow because like I said i will be starting a larger tank in about a year. If I get a small one will it be comfortable untill I get a larger tank or should I absolutely wait. ( I know that if you have to ask...
  3. wrongmove

    Fish limits

    I just have a quick question. I am in the process of starting a salwaterfish tank it is a small tank (only 29 gallons) my question is after the tank cycles I am wondering about the fish i can add. My must haves (if i can have are as follows in preference..... 1. Goby- Mandarin green...
  4. wrongmove

    Just starting

    I cant tell you how thankful for the help I am! and apoligize for the spelling . I think I will get started on the steps you took as soon asap thanks ktsdad! I am sorry I am full of questions but I am going to be leaving on a trip in about 4 or 5 days for about 10 days. I am wondering if it...
  5. wrongmove

    Just starting

    I am sorry I missed the size of my tank it is small only 29 gallons. Thanks about the salt info that and the live rock question were the most important for now since I want to make sure i start out right. I am wondering if starting out with a base rock and some live rock if that extends the...
  6. wrongmove

    Just starting

    I am just starting a tank I really have little to no expeirence with saltwater tanks I do however have some with freshwater tanks that being said I do understand the importance of the cycle period my question is how should I start. For now my biggest questions are... 1. What brand of salt should...