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  1. wrongmove

    20gallon hospital

    I am curently treating for ich. I have a coral beauty that is gonna die ( i am very sad about that) and a yellow watchman goby ( he is hardier then superman) in there. I am treating with hypo-salinity for the ich and it seems to be gone. The fish have been in there for about 3 weeks and i am...
  2. wrongmove

    29g setup

    I had/have a coral beauty in mine he brought ich to my tank and since then i have made a hospital tank and he was doing well till 2 days ago. I think a CB will be fine in the tank as long as there is enough live rock for him to swim around and graze on.
  3. wrongmove

    ich still in tank??

    As far as I know once ich had got in your tank it will remain there as long as there are fish to host. Even if the clowns were only in there for a short time chances are at least a small protion of the parasite could be in your tank. If there are no fish in there at the moment I would wait 6...
  4. wrongmove

    Nitrate Problems

    I have use Kent's nitrate sponge and it has helped however as I said it does take a couple weeks to start to work and will only lower about 20ppm if you are higher then that you need to figure out what is the cause of the problem. Sinister52 what kind of water are you using for your water...
  5. wrongmove

    Nitrate Problems

    IMO stay away from chemicals but you can try a nitrate sponge I know Kent makes one and also you can use Chemi-Pure (sp.?). Just be aware that it can take 3-4 weeks to notice a difference and it will only lower about 20ppm. Maybe a little more if you use both. Both of these are reef safe and I...
  6. wrongmove


    This is kind of a newb question but as far as soaking food in garlic does it harm the fish if the garlic is poured in the tank with the food. I have been soaking krill everyonce in a while to feed my brittle star but I alway remove the krill to feed. I would like to soak the mysid and maybe even...
  7. wrongmove

    My friend is a Ignorant? I think?

    take the fish and the tank add some precured biofilration and hope it survives till you can find a suitable home for the fish. i cant say that this will save the fish but it is better then hoping it makes it through the cycle just to die cause it is in too small a tank. also go ahead and smack...
  8. wrongmove

    Over Crowded Tank?

    I will only do 2 cardinals then if that is the best if not then I will do none. As far as the Flame goes that and the Coral Beauty have been the most recomended fish for my tank (one or the other). Are you saying that neither would be happy in my tank as far as dwarf angels go? If that is the...
  9. wrongmove

    Flame Scallop problem!

    I actually work at a LFS....pls don't hate me. I tell people not to buy them for the tanks cause they won't live so if anyone has some secrets pls let me know.
  10. wrongmove

    Over Crowded Tank?

    I am finally getting to the point when I can safely add new fish on a more regular basis. My tank has been up and running for about 2 months with a bunch of inverts ( blueleg hermits, snails and emerald crabs) and 2 Perc. Clowns. I am adding a Yellow Watchman Goby now and in a couple weeks would...
  11. wrongmove

    Guess what I saw???

    I have seen the same show it is the pistol shrimp and that show is the reason I havent got one for my tank. I would love to have on to see if my yellow watchman and it would pair but I would be afraid of it killing some of my other inhabitants.
  12. wrongmove

    Fish Additions

    I have some questions on fish additions. To start off I have a 29Gallon tank and the cycle just ended. I started off with 2 Perc. Clowns. I eventually want to add some type of goby like a watchman or something with that look. I am also debating on a Flame Angel or a Coral Beauty. I would also...
  13. wrongmove

    And so it first "real fish purchase"

    I am still new to this as well I will look into this also since in the near future I plan on a 100gallon or more tank and would love to have a couple of angels. Another thing you may want to check also is how long your tank should be established before adding angels. I do know that some fish can...
  14. wrongmove

    And so it first "real fish purchase"

    I am kind of new to the saltwater seen and I recently put my first fish in my tank (29gallon) I am planning on putting either a Flame Angel or a Coral beauty not real sure which one yet. All the research I have done on Angels all pretty much says you can only keep one per tank. I don't know if...
  15. wrongmove

    Tank Cycle

    I talked to one of the guys at the LFS here and I am blessed by the fact that he is very experienced with saltwater fish. He said that since I had all cured rock and lots of live sand that yes my tank is probably finished cycling. He did say however that when i chose to add fish I am probably...
  16. wrongmove

    Tank Cycle

    Yea thanks i got Nitrites and Nitrates mixed up. My niTRITES have stayed at zero while my niTRATEs have risen. I think I am just going to keep an eye on it for a little while longer and then add some snails and a crab or two to take care of some algae I have growing. I just can't belive that it...
  17. wrongmove

    Tank Cycle

    I know that there have been many posts on this subject and I have looked at many of them but they don't really answer my question. I have a 29gallon tank and I put 30lbs. of cured live rock I got at a pet store and brought right home to put in the tank and i also put in 15lbs.of sand with 20lbs...
  18. wrongmove

    Fish limits

    Thanks, I will start with the clown then. I did read on this site that they prefer to be kept in groups. So would it be best to get 2 or just stick to one? Also is the Perc. the best choice? I am looking for something fun to watch and nice to look at. I do realize that it will probably be...
  19. wrongmove

    Fish limits

    I will not be getting the Yellow Tang then. As was stated previously it isnt about the price as much as the fact that it is an animal I am taking responsibility for. ( might sound cheezy but I treat my fish as I would my dog....who really is prolly my best friend.) Since the clowns seem to be a...
  20. wrongmove

    Anyone Here Of It

    I am very new to this hobby myself. You may want to explore the other posts in the forums. There is a lot of really good info here and many of our beginner questions are already answered. Good Luck, WrongMove P.S. If you do find any really interesting info please share it with me for I am a...