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  1. wrongmove

    Think for me, calcium question

    Stimpy, Before you start investing in any more equipment let us know what you have currently besides your tank and sump. I know you said your lighting will support anything but it helps to know exactly what you have. Also how long has your tank been set up. What type of salt do you use and how...
  2. wrongmove

    yay!! Hippo Tang

    I love them too and I can't wait untill I have the room for a tank large enough for one. Untill then though I will be happy to raise one or two for my buddy's 180. I just have to wait untill I can find one small and healthy enough to take it.
  3. wrongmove

    yay!! Hippo Tang

    I have a 37 gallon tank (30 inches long). I work at a local fish store and we had a group of hippo tangs come in that were a little less then 2 inches about 2 weeks ago. Today we had one left that was eating well so I took it home. I have a friend that is in the process of setting up a 180 and I...
  4. wrongmove

    Red Sea Skimmer

    Cyano is also know as red slime(thats what it looks like). It is a type of bacteria and can grow pretty quickly. There are a lot of threads about it if you get a chance look at some of them. You will likely get an out break of cyano in a few weeks dont go crazy like most people do and start...
  5. wrongmove

    Red Sea Skimmer

    First suggestion is to slow down. When you bought the rock was it cured at the store? Did you use live sand? If so it is possible to get a fairly quick cycle. However a quick cycle doesnt mean you should go crazy adding livestock right away. As far as what you have now goes they are all fairly...
  6. wrongmove

    Ding-ding -- Emerald Crab vs. Sally Lightfoot

    I would have to say the sally lightfoot. I have seen them trying to rip out each others eyes at the store. Emeralds always seem to mind their own business for the most part.
  7. wrongmove

    Bubble Coral

    Bubble corals are really nice just be sure when you get it to check the "blades" of its skelly. If the flesh of the coral is receding then you may want to pass on it. When the bone is exposed like that algae and cyano is able to take hold there and the coral has a hard time growing back. This...
  8. wrongmove

    Tek or Aquatinics

    Awesome. Thanks for the info I think I will try for the aquatinics. The only problem I have is that when I go to their website it says that they only sell through retailers. So now I have to hunt down a place to get a price for one.
  9. wrongmove

    Tek or Aquatinics

    I am thinking about buy either a T-5 Tek or Aquatinics fixture for my tank. I am just wondering if anyone has any feed back on quality and success of either of these brands and which on you would recomend. I am interested in keeping clams and maybe some lower light sps. I understand coral...
  10. wrongmove

    Red slime algae. Cyano?

    How long have you had your tank up and running? Often times you will get a cyano out break as the tank matures. If that is the case just do your best to keep your nitrates and phosphates at zero and watch you dont leave the lights on too long. Flow will help keep it down but you are gonna want...
  11. wrongmove

    cleaner or coral banded

    I would go with the shrimp. Brittle stars are nice but sometimes have a habbit of eating things they arent supposed to (ie. firefish and snails). The Star will also hide most of the time the lights are on. As for the shrimp choice I have a Coral banded and love him. He has a ton of personality...
  12. wrongmove

    Favorite Fish

    I didnt think hawkfish were really reef safe? I too think they are really interesting fish but I have a coral banded shrimp that I think would be in danger with a hawkfish.
  13. wrongmove

    Favorite Fish

    I am just wondering what everyones favorite fish for a reef tank is? I think mine might be my Sixline wrasse. I think for the color and money this is one of the best fish ever for a small reef. Just wonder what everyone else has and maybe I'll get an idea for my next fish.
  14. wrongmove

    Opinions Welcome

    I have decided that I am getting the sixline but I am wondering about an Urchin? I think they look really cool and would be awesome in a tank but I am not really sure how they are with soft corals like mushrooms,leathers,zoo's,ect?
  15. wrongmove

    Opinions Welcome

    I have a 29gallon reef with 30 pounds of live rock. It has been up and running for about 6months as of now I have a Banggai Cardinal,Ocellaris Clown,and a Yellow Watchman Goby. I have a few mushrooms and some zoo's as well as a Coral Banded Shrimp and a Brittle Star. I was thinking of adding a...
  16. wrongmove


    I have a 29gallon tank with some Mushrooms, Leathers and Zoo's. The fish I have are- Banggai Cardinal, Yellow Watchman Goby and a Firefish. My question is at what rate of gph do I need a powerhead to keep decent flow but not slam my fish into the glass? Any suggestions will be greatly...
  17. wrongmove

    Can anyone ID this crab

    Ok I got actually got him out of my tank and I am sure he was the same type of crab in the pictures. He is actually a nice looking crab.(Eventhough he lost his left claw in the battle to get him out of my tank) I put him in my QT. Is there any problem with him being there? Right now I have a...
  18. wrongmove

    clown trigger in a reef?

    As far as I know it is not reef safe because it will eventually eat / kill everything. Clown Triggers tend to be one of the most aggresive triggers. When it is small it maybe ok but as it grows and starts to figure out it can kill things it will continue to do so. Others may have other opinions...
  19. wrongmove

    Can anyone ID this crab

    Well i just noticed tonight that i have a gorilla (or at least that is what i think it is) crab in my tank. He must have come in with some corals i bought recently. He is about 5/8 of an inch in size and i was unable to nab him when i saw him. What is the best method for traping these guys and...
  20. wrongmove

    QT timing? How long??

    The time sounds right but in my opinion you might think about bringing the specific gravity down a little if you are only putting fish in there.