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  1. lysol

    longnose butterfly????????

  2. lysol

    Simple question about Tangs

    Why would you want another tang anyways your just doubling the chances of ICH.
  3. lysol

    Simple question about Tangs

    Originally Posted by SH2000 I have a simple question in my 80 RT I have a Chevron Tang 2 inches I'm thinking of adding another small tang. Negative Ghost Rider.
  4. lysol

    My First Two Fish

    Originally Posted by MIKE22cha Are those already in there or are you planning on getting those? If you're planning, don't get the yellow tang because it needs a bigger tank. Nothing is in my Dt now. Originally Posted by Anonome Are you 100% sure you want 2 cinnamon clowns in your 90. I only ask...
  5. lysol

    My First Two Fish

    How many Anthia's could I have?
  6. lysol

    Aggressive reef. - Blue ribbon eel,lion,trigger,flame angle, tangs. - Tons of pix!

    What happened to your sting ray? Nice tank btw
  7. lysol

    Help this newbie

    You need to start over from scratch but this time you need to do a lot more research.
  8. lysol

    My First Two Fish

    Originally Posted by mcbdz I have noticed you have been around a few months and read some, so I assume you know about the damsel issues. What are your plans for your tank? Give us more info on your tank. Size, #'s of lr/ls, lights, filtration. Any info would help to give more advise and help...
  9. lysol

    My First Two Fish

    So today I went to the LFS and picked up two Yellow Tail Damsels.
  10. lysol

    good for 55 gal

    Originally Posted by Tarball I have a sailfin tang in a 55g tank & its perfectly happy Try to remember to buy it very young and accept the responsibility of finding a owner that has a 125 or larger when the sailfin out grows the 55g tank. Thats a really smart idea.
  11. lysol

    my new 125g tank !!!!!!!!!!

    I like your aqua scape. The only thing I suggest is put a blue back ground it will look so much better
  12. lysol


    You need at least a 75 for a fuzzy dwarf.
  13. lysol


    The Tang police are on there way.
  14. lysol

    My first salt water tank

    How did your tank end its cycle in less than a week?
  15. lysol


    Put your dotty back in your QT
  16. lysol

    My fish are dying! :(

    How long has it been since you put your last fish in?
  17. lysol

    20G Aggressive Tank?

    Originally Posted by weesh BTW, I already have a thriving 80G tank with Tang, cardinals, clown, blennies about 20 fish in all.It's been up for two years and all fish are healthy I dropped three damsels into the new tank to assist with cycling and they're doing really well. If I can't put any...
  18. lysol

    fish stocking suggestion lists for an 80 gal tank?

    You know a sailfin tang needs a 150 min gallon tank right?
  19. lysol

    How do I post a message?

    You are full of epic failure /thread
  20. lysol

    Blacklip Butterfly?

    Thnx for the advice and help