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  1. rage83

    2 questions

  2. rage83

    2 questions

    will clown fish and goby eat freeze dried brine? and its been 3 days since i added the goby and i havent seen him yet, is this normal behavior
  3. rage83

    problem with biocube

    anyone having a problem with water overflowing back into water pump area. i got home and noticed the power hesd blowing little bubbles, and noticed water flowing over the side back into the pump. if i take out the filter water level goes back down
  4. rage83

    added first fish to tank

    it seems like no matter how i point it it does
  5. rage83

    added first fish to tank

    alright cool i appreciate it
  6. rage83

    added first fish to tank

    i have a test kit i just wanted them to test also . you know measure twice cut once
  7. rage83

    added first fish to tank

    thanks the guy told me that everything was where it was supposed to he did say the solinity was a little bit high but not overly
  8. rage83

    added first fish to tank

    i feel like the pump is pushing the water out hard which is stirring the sand
  9. rage83

    added first fish to tank

    yeah the store checked the water and said it was all good
  10. rage83

    added first fish to tank

    1 month
  11. rage83

    added first fish to tank

    it is a 29g biocube. yeah i t cycled. i took a water sample to the store and they said it was cool. just didnt know if that behavior was normal
  12. rage83

    added first fish to tank

    added a clown and goby today. when i put them in the goby instintly hid and the clown wont swim around he just stays in one spot. also the tank got very cloudy. any suggestions
  13. rage83

    what is it

    should i be doing water changes after three weeks?
  14. rage83

    what is it

    thanks for the info
  15. rage83

    marine biologist??

  16. rage83

    What is your fav tv show

    lost heroes house
  17. rage83

    what is it

    I'm new to the game. right now all i have is a 29g biocube with live rock. its been 3 weeks. i have some purple algae but some of the rock is getting a white film on it. im curious to know if its normal bad or good