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  1. rbaby


    No, they don't seem to have white spots. And sometimes they do rub their nose on the rocks...sometimes on the sand, they'll just swim real quick to the sand bed...go to their side and brush up against it and move on with their lives. But what about this vibrate thing? LOL...if they're...
  2. rbaby


    I've had my clownfishes for a month now...they're 2 juvenile tank-raised percs. I had an anemone that they slept in but because one of my 2 anemones died, I returned the other--so I'm looking for alternative hosts for my clowns that don't involve anemones. Now that they no longer have an...
  3. rbaby

    Protein Skimmer Help

    Here's a newbie question: What's a protein skimmer? Is it necessary? What's it for? I only have the regular Eclipse filter in there... Dumb question probably =P but it'd teach me a thing or two =D...
  4. rbaby

    eclipse 6 stocking?

    I had the Eclipse 6...but I upgraded to the Eclipse 12. There are no 50/50 bulbs available for the Eclipse 6 I'm unless your corals are okay with just the PowerGlo lighting things...I don't think the Eclipse 6 can hold any corals. My anemones did great in them for a while...
  5. rbaby

    Clownfish - Mated?

    When do they become mature enough to lay eggs? I'm not sure at how old my percs are but they're babies...maybe only about 3/4"... Thanks for the advice on caring for the fry--knowing my dumb self I woulda tried with a net =P...
  6. rbaby

    Going to do this tomorrow

    Hi Hidden, My percs are tank raised--and they're still very young...but when I added a bubble tip anemone in there--they didn't take to it instantly...but eventually they did become curious and started to host it. I don't know, but I just assumed it's more instinctive than it is conditional...
  7. rbaby

    my progress in a 25 gal

    That's a great looking tank--I wish someday when I learn more and become more comfortable I can set up a 25 gal =D... It's beyond me how everyone sets up their rocks so well... I guess I'm just too simplistic--I never really thought of "making" my own formation by combining other rocks...
  8. rbaby

    Clownfish - Mated?

    Thanks for the response--I'm not hoping that they mate, I was just wondering, it would be awesome though if they become a pair though...seeing that I only have 2 percs and I bought them at the same time...and both are roughly the same age...their bond is strong now already...if I'm clearing up...
  9. rbaby

    Clownfish - Mated?

    Hi guys, I have 2 juvenile tank-raised percs...I know they change --- as they get older--but how do you know if they will be a mated pair? My 2 percs are always together...they hardly leave each other's sides...they even sleep together. If they have interaction like this--what are the chances...
  10. rbaby

    Hi everyone!

    Hi everyone, I'm a new aquarist. I started out with a 6 gallon tank with 2 tank-raised Perc Clownfishes, one Orange Striped Goby, 6 snails and 6 hermits. I've had the tank for about 2 months now and I decided to start up a 12 gallon tank about 3 weeks ago, and I just transferred them over to...