Search results

  1. rbaby

    Anemone Lighting?

    I was looking into a Bubble Tip or a Rose Anemone...I believe they are the least demanding Anemones in terms of light right? (That's compatible with my fish that is)... I do water changes twice a week...about 15% new water every week. I'm having a problem with nitrates right now though and I'm...
  2. rbaby


    When I looked up some Metal Halides--I saw they were the screw in kinds--are there Metal Halide lights that I can buy that's compatible with a 2-pin? Or if not, can anybody tell me how I can customize my Eclipse tank to fit the screwable kind? Thanks!
  3. rbaby

    Anemone Lighting?

    Hi guys, I have a 12 gallon Eclipse...and I just bought this 50/50 13W (12k/7.1k) light...I was just told that this wasn't enough to keep an anemone really healthy-- What light do you guys recommend for my system? The containment restricts me to 7 inch 2-pin but I will gladly rid of the...
  4. rbaby

    Anemone Lighting?

    Thanks Dream, How many watts should I go for? I can just cut off the li'l enclosure on my Eclipse cover for my light for a longer 50/50 light if I must--I can put about a 14" long 2-pin in there...what do you recommend? Thanks again!
  5. rbaby

    Anemone Lighting?

    After my last anemone got sick I got scared and brought him back to my LFS and have been scarred~! But now since I have a newer tank and my water has become a lot more stable, and I've gotten the hang of caring for it daily I wanted to take another shot at another anemone for my percs. My...
  6. rbaby

    A little help please, Small black dots

    If you look in the Diseases thread up top you're going to see pictures of fishies with the same symptoms, do they look like that?
  7. rbaby

    Help with fish?

    Hi guys, I always thought my fishy acted weird, he would rub up against a he had a nose itch, or would brush up against the sandbed...and while my other perc rarely sleeps on the sandbed nowadays (or don't see him sleep on it as often anymore)...this other one seems to sleep on the...
  8. rbaby

    My first tank too~!

    They were purchased together, and one of them does the dance constantly, I'm hoping that they continue living peacefully as they have been. They sleep together and are almost inseperable so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a mate just so I don't have to worry about one of them getting killed...
  9. rbaby

    My first tank too~! This is the full tank shot. My background was for my old tank and wasn't tall enough for this one--I haven't gotten around to getting a new one for it. My baby fishy and a crabby--can anybody tell me what kinda crab...
  10. rbaby

    Nano Question?

    I went to a different local fish store today and inquired about Protein Skimmers. I have a 12 gallon eclipse tank and with the hood it's just nearly impossible to get a skimmer without having to cut up a hole for it. The gentleman who helped me alarmed me by saying that my fish and tank will...
  11. rbaby

    can i put anything else in the tank?

    That's some great advice, thank you! I will certainly try to achieve that. My percs are still just babies so they have a LONG way to go--after reading your post I looked up that their life span could range from 6-8 years...WOW that's exciting. I think it's because I've introduced other stuff...
  12. rbaby

    Very healthy algae?

    Yeah I've been testing it. It seems that it's cured as I've had no spikes yet, but it just seems they keep the Live Rock tank full of yucky poop to help develop the bacteria (I guess?)...I don't really know, but thanks, I'll definitely keep a closer eye on it now.
  13. rbaby

    What is going on with my clownfish(percula)

    My clowns do this when they get near the goby--LOL...I doubt they're interested in becoming a pair, so I take it this is just a sign of submission?
  14. rbaby

    anemone closed

    That happened to me once with my anemone and when I called my local fish store (who I trust completely), they said that they do that to release their wastes, it's their way to clean their systems. But if they've been closed for a couple days now, it's probably sick they said...I'm not sure if...
  15. rbaby

    Very healthy algae?

    Hi guys, I purchased more LR so that my clowns don't get sick of each other's faces so much--and to complete my arrangement. My one LR is slightly purple, very very slight, and slightly green, however this new rock that I got is ridiculously the opposite in terms of subtlety. It seems to be...
  16. rbaby

    can i put anything else in the tank?

    I know many people would probably shoot me but my tank seems to be doing just fine...has been for weeks now. I think I've pushed the bio load to the limit but the cycle has been going well that it has maintained homeostasis. I have a 12 gallon Eclipse tank and I have 6 hermits, 1 sand sifting...
  17. rbaby

    eclipse 6 stocking?

    Originally posted by TMICHEL In my 5 gallon I have a sixline wrasse and a yellow clown goby. They get along great. They give a little color. Are you also planning on any coral. I was referring to this comment...basically just saying that it would be really hard for you to get corals in with...
  18. rbaby

    star fish

    I have a 12 gallon and have a sand sifting starfish. I arranged the rocks so that it has much more sandbed for it to thrive in and he seems to be doing just great. He tries to crawl up the sides but quickly realizes he can't hang onto the acrylic. I wish I could be more specific about the...
  19. rbaby

    Eclipse 12

    Hi guys, I have an Eclipse 12 with 2 clownfishes in there, 1 sand starfish and like 6 hermits. I wanted to buy a 50/50 light because I like the color it exudes moreso than these fluorescent lights...but I don't know which ones are compatible and every fish store I have asked don't have them in...
  20. rbaby


    Thanks for the response Giraffe. They look healthy to me but I really don't know enough about them to be able to tell for sure. I guess if I just watch out for those white spots I should be okay right? I will be getting a 50/50 light that my tropical fish store has recommended when my tank...