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  1. blenny dude

    ophiura help

    hi ophiura i read you r the starfish expert. i have a 75 gallon tank. 3 years old. it is succeful, and a reef. i want a linkia star, and my lfs has many multiflora's in. are they hardier of the linkias? also how do i tell if they've been exposed to air? how do i tell if they are healthy? thankz!
  2. blenny dude

    never thought id say this

    i have lotz of coraline in my tank. it is growing all over the front and sides, i have to scrape every day. if i leave it alone it will cover the whole tank in 2 days. its strange. i have a 75 gal reef. all sps and a few softies like ricordea mushrooms and zooanthids. i have a calcium reactor...
  3. blenny dude

    is 95w too much for a 10g nano tank?

    i don't have a pic of my tank i don't have a camera. as for water changes i keep nautilus in my 10 gallon sump and do annual bi-weekly water changes. make sure that you check the levels in the tank. also with that much power on a 10 galln keep the lights farther off, i keep them 6 inches from...
  4. blenny dude

    is 95w too much for a 10g nano tank?

    really? lolz! are you talking about my tank reynolds?
  5. blenny dude

    please help!

    I FOUND HIM!! LOL!!! i'm so happy! you know what happened?!@ i'm thninking he swam towards the intake to the overflow, he then got sucked up into the sump! from there he swam into the fuge and had a food frenzy with my halimeda and caulerpa! lots of it is gone!lolz! i'm happy thankz for ur...
  6. blenny dude


    i want a digital camera, i need one in the 200-300 dollar range, any advice?i want to share my pics of my tank but don't have anythign to do it with. i will buy it in summer either way, thankz for the help.
  7. blenny dude

    is 95w too much for a 10g nano tank?

    i agree, that is a good amount of light. i have a 10 gallon tank with the 96w quad, i have sps and and 2 clams. everything thrives in the tnk.
  8. blenny dude

    please help!

    hi guys thanks for the help. he didn't jump out for sure, cause i checked everywhere around the tank. he was in the tank about a half hour before i cleaned, thats the last tme i checked on the tank. i do have a lot of rock, 130 lbs. he might be hiding its been about 2 hours. i hope he didnt die...
  9. blenny dude

    please help!

    hi, i have a 75 gallon tank. i have a yellow tang a pigmy angel and 2 clowns. hte other day i was cleaning my tank from algae and i foudnt that my yellow tng was missing. i am very sad :( he was a great fish. i have a 40 galln fuge and a 30 gal sump. do you know what is wrong my nitrates are...
  10. blenny dude

    Peppermint Shrimp and Aptasia

    i have a peepermint. it ate all the aiptasia that ws in my tank. i bought a clam recently adn there was aiptasia in one if its scales. it stung the clam, but i took a exacto knife and killed it.
  11. blenny dude

    hey guys

  12. blenny dude

    hey guys

    thanks guys. i don't have a tank yet but i am plannig on getting one soon.
  13. blenny dude

    hey guys

    thankz alot. i like the site already.
  14. blenny dude

    hey guys

    hey guys, I love this site. just wanted to say hi.