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  1. tlarsen

    Queen Angel

    Can anyone give me some info on a Queen Angel? I just came from our local fish store and there is a beautiful one there. I'd love to bring it home, but before I make a $100.00 investment I'd like to know if they are easy to keep. I have a 150 gallon tank with clowns, pacific blue tang, yellow...
  2. tlarsen

    Mixing Clowns

    We have a 125 gallon tank. Our first fish were 3 percula clowns. Later we added 3 clark clowns. They each have their own side of the tank and I have never seen them harass each other. I would recommend getting and even number though, it seems that the third smaller fish is always left out.
  3. tlarsen

    Long tentacle anenome

    I have been backing off on time the lights are on in the tank. I though that was part of my brown algae problem and in turn this is adding to this problem. how many hours should the lights be on? I read about 8hrs is the max per 24hrs.I backed it off to about 6 the last couple of weeks. :(
  4. tlarsen

    Schooling fish

    150 gallon tank that has been going for close to 5 months. It does have quite a bit of live rock.
  5. tlarsen

    Schooling fish

    We are just getting started with our tank. We have a yellow tang, 3 percula clowns, 3 clark clowns, an Indian yellowtail angel, and a scotter blenney. I was wondering if there are any schooling fish someone could recommend. I have done a little research on threadfin anthias. Does anyone have...
  6. tlarsen

    For those keeping anemones and clowns fish

    Thank you so much for the article! I am the one who has been having so many problems. We have been turning our lights off for a good part of the day. That was suggested to us to help cut down on our alge. Sounds like that may not be helping the situation.
  7. tlarsen

    Your Experiences with a Flame Hawk??

    Sounds like a great fish. Can it be put in a 150 gallon tank with a scotter blenney?
  8. tlarsen

    brown algae

    Trigger went back to the store today. On a full stomach. He would eat food from my hand, That was cool. Maybe someday,but first I have much much more to learn before I go aggressive. Checked all my levels, all looked good, also had the store check and they confirmed. moved water outlets downward...
  9. tlarsen

    Long tentacle anenome

    My long tentacle anenome has been looking really bad for about 4 days then it will look good for about 1 day and then bad again and so on. Does any one have any advice.
  10. tlarsen


    I know that i'm new to all this but i have read that with time, clownfish go into pairs. So having an odd number will just exclude one and he will lead a lonely life. My yellow clownfish are a perfect example of this b/c they have excluded one of the clownfish and will not allow it in the...
  11. tlarsen

    Picasso Trigger??

    I guess that all i really want to know is if a my picasso (about 2-3 in.) would be eating my flame scallop. Both were introduced into the tank at exactly the same time. So any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  12. tlarsen

    brown algae

    thanks misty!! for some much needed help :)
  13. tlarsen

    brown algae

    I have about 6 snails, 3 scarlet hermits and 2 blue legged hermits. I also have blennies if they help or not. I'm not really sure. As for fish i have a yellow tang, picasso trigger, 6 clowns, indian yellow tail angelfish, and a wrasse. Thanx.
  14. tlarsen

    brown algae

    I have had a 150 gal tank for about 4 months and i have been experiencing problems with brown algae. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanx.
  15. tlarsen

    brown algae

    I am new to saltwater. I have a 150gal tank started 4 months ago. 120lbs of live rock in it. I am having a problem with my sand turning brown. any suggestions?