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  1. wingsrte

    Rapidly multiplying bubble anemonies???

    Hey Croc Hunter That looks like aptasia to me, why do you say that its not.
  2. wingsrte

    Who uses/ has an RO system... who uses tap water? BE HONEST

    I use RO/DI only, but then again my water is kinda scary. I looked up the water content online and came up with a list of nice little additives already in my local water like aluminum, fluoride, uranium, copper, lead, chloride, maganese, sulfate, boron, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphate &...
  3. wingsrte

    2 questions

    Clean and dry the area as best you can. Then put a piece of dry paper towel where you think the leak is. If the towel doesnt show any signs of water after about 5 mins. then you probably dont have a leak. As far as cleaning your overflow I used to rinse mine out every time I changed the...
  4. wingsrte

    refugium setup

    Broomer, Thanks for the input, I didnt think about what would happen if one pump failed. If I connected the two systems above the water line with say some 1" PVC do you think that would be enough to prevent a major overflow. I could also place some kind of container that the Sumps would sit in...
  5. wingsrte

    ID please

    do they have stripes on their shells?
  6. wingsrte

    Anyone do any earthquake proofing of their tanks?

    I live in the Bay Area and fortunatley I missed Loma Preatta but I have been through several small quakes without any major problems. I just set up a 125 and the stand has a lip around the tank that I hope will keep it from sliding. I bolted the stand to the studs in the wall behind it using lag...
  7. wingsrte

    Ideas for my new 60g glass tank...

    I would say go with a compact florecent retro kit. I recently bought one for less than $200.
  8. wingsrte

    refugium setup

    I have recently set up a 125 to replace my 55 fish only and my 30 reef. I have two seperate overflows so I am using both my sumps one for each overflow. One sump I set up to handle my skimmer and I installed my UV steralizer on the return. I also have about 20lbs of live rock in the sump along...
  9. wingsrte

    Brain Coral Prices

    That sounds a little high to me. If you have a good relationship with the sales person try talking them down, 30$ would be a fair price. If they wont lower the price try somewhere else.
  10. wingsrte

    setting up a new tank

    Hi everybody, I am combining my 55gal fish and my 29gal reef into a 125 gal reef. I am planing on leaving the 29gal up for about a month so the 125 can cycle but Im not sure this is necessary. I will be using the live sand and live rock from both tanks and all the water from both systems. For...