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  1. wla1610

    low ph, high alk, normal cal.

    Is there anything I can do to raise my PH? Right now I have alkalinity in the 11-11.5 dkh range. Calcium is at 420~. Ph is ranging from 7.8-8.0. Should I not be worried about the lower Ph? It seems to be staying pretty stable. I have a lot of water ripple on the surface of the thank too...
  2. wla1610

    My NEW 24gal nano DX!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    man that really sucks. 3 months ago i had a heater go in my 46 gal and it just nuked everything. i'm trying to rebuild but it is very tough. lol now i have 2 tanks though. a 12 gal aqua pod and the 46. i even splurged and bought a helfrichi firefish for the nano. it is such a beautiful...
  3. wla1610

    lid to nano cube

    does anyone know if the jbj lid will fit over an aqua pod. if so i'd be interested in it to try to mod it for a halide etc..
  4. wla1610

    sixline + sexy anemone shrimp = prob?

    yeah... i put 4 in my tank... didn't think about the sixline. he got 2 already. grrr i shoudl have just put em in my nano to go with my other 3
  5. wla1610

    sixline + sexy anemone shrimp = prob?

    does anyone know if these 2 are incompatable?
  6. wla1610

    Alk question

    i did the high res test. 2 drops. grrr... i need to figure out what to do right now... 11.5 dkh is too high for my liking.... i've tested my ph multiple times and i'm at around 8.0 ph. no nitrates, nitrites, or ammonia, 420~ cal.
  7. wla1610

    Alk question

    *shameless bump*
  8. wla1610

    Alk question

    i tested my ph today, i'm at 8.0 at 4 pm cst. lights come on at 9 am and go off at 9pm. i'll test it about 3 times a day for the next week. maybe i'm using the salifert alk test kit wrong when i'm reading the results. lets say i have .3 left in the 1ml dropper. do you compare the .3 to the...
  9. wla1610

    Alk question

    i'm gonna get more PH testing stuff... any recommendations on a fairly accurate kit?
  10. wla1610

    Alk question

    in all honesty, i'm not certain, i ran out of ph testing a long time ago. just never found a kit that was resonably priced that i like. i have salifert kits for alk/cal/mag, and i have aquarium pharm for amm/nitrite/nitrate.
  11. wla1610

    Alk question

    my calcium level was around 420ppm when i tested the alk.
  12. wla1610

    Alk question

    out of curiosity is 11.5 dkh too high for alkalinity?
  13. wla1610

    roaming anemone + split?

    has anyone noticed their anemone start to wander alot only to split not long after it wandered? i was talking to a guy today that said that happened to him a while ago. my large RBTA is roaming like crazy. this morning it's under a rock right now and is shrivled up so i'm curious if it might...
  14. wla1610

    No more anemones ~ maybe?

    Thomas, iI'd certainly pay a RBTA and for overnight shipping to kenosha wisconsin. if your interested. drop me an email at and we can discuss payments etc.
  15. wla1610


    i've managed to keep my 12 gal aquapod a 75 degrees.
  16. wla1610

    New pics of my 12g Nanocube

    italgal02 one trick to do is to get some of the beneficial macro algae and add it to your tank. I'd give that a shot :) Has always worked for me.
  17. wla1610

    Jacksdad's 24 NC

    Jacksdad, would it be possible to purchase 1 or 2 ployps of that green skirt/purple zoo? I live in Kenosha Wi so I'd be willing to take a chance on overnight delivery etc all at my expense. Let me know, is my email addy
  18. wla1610

    Newbie with 24 gal Aquapod

    Jacksdad, Would it be possible to get a single ployp of that zoo with green skirt and purple inside? I'd pay well for it plus all the costs to get it shipped overnight to Kenosha, WI. Thanks, Gerad
  19. wla1610

    attaching a mushroom to a rock?

    ooohhh thats an easy one to obtain. thank you.
  20. wla1610

    attaching a mushroom to a rock?

    Where can you get that stuff?