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  1. wla1610

    Sexy Anemone Shrimp

    I'm wondering the same thing to be honest so if someone could help out that would be great.
  2. wla1610

    need help finding a rare clown pic

    Those were the pictures. Thank you very much.
  3. wla1610

    need help finding a rare clown pic

    A while ago there was a thread or 2 with some very strange clowns. The white on the clowns were not just vertical. They zigzaged. I'm not sure what they were but I remember they were somewhat rare. If anyone can link me to the thread on this forum that would be great. Thanks,
  4. wla1610

    I'm going to be starting a 12 gal nano soon

    I'm going to be starting a 12 gal nano next week. So far i've got a 12 gal aquapod coming w/ stand 18 lbs of black sand 20 lbs of LR My plan is to eventually get a 70W MH in the system for better lighting I'm probably going to get the following corals and fish: Clown Goby Helfrichi Firefish -...
  5. wla1610

    12 gal nano cube light question

    isn't the 20" to big for a 12 gal nano?
  6. wla1610

    12 gal nano cube light question

    What are you guys doing to upgrade above the deluxe lighting in the 12 gal cube? I'm concerned that they won't be enough for a acro in the tank. My goal is to get rid of my 46 and move to a nano. I can't afford to do much else right now, nor do I have the room. Any help would be greatly...
  7. wla1610

    any ways to help a BTA split?

    Are there any ways to help coax a BTA into splitting? If anyone has done things and then their anemone have split let me know. Thanks!
  8. wla1610

    water change questions

    What is the biggest % of a water change that can be done w/o causing a cycle? Also, how often can a water change be done w/o causing a cycle? I'm asking this because my nitrates have managed to get up to around 20 now. I realized I needed to free up my refugium a bit due to the amount of...
  9. wla1610

    Clownfish color changing

    It is my understanding that the fish darken with age.
  10. wla1610

    Ocellaris OR True Percula Clownfish???

    I've had both, and in my opinion I'd rather have the true percula. I have a false pair right now. I don't know what it is, but I just don't' like them as much. Maybe it's the black eyes. The true perculas I bought had more of an orange look to them. My current false ones see kind of erie...
  11. wla1610

    maroon clown

    I added a 2nd maroon to a tank with 1 very large female and I was successfull. The other thing that seems to help along with making sure its a male, is to also have it atleats half the size of the female. The male I added was almost a 1/3 of the size of the female. The male showed submission...
  12. wla1610

    Tang question. I am so MAD!

    Eaglephot, do you have corals and inverts? I'm just trying to get a list of what people say worked for them with corals and inverts. Thx.
  13. wla1610

    Percula Clown "Pair"?

    About the only anemone you can keep without useing MH lighting is the Bubble Tip Anemone. Go to the clownfish/anemone forum. They will all tell you the same thing. Even the BTA needs a decent WPG. I can't remember what the minimum that they are recommending but I think you need atleast 4-5...
  14. wla1610

    clownfish sex question

    The pair of percs I had before took to the anemone. Then again, when I bought them, they were in an anemone at the store. :) I shouldn't have any problems with an anemone. Thanks again
  15. wla1610

    clownfish sex question

    Grog, the larger GSM is about 3-4 inches while the other is about 1 - 1.5 inches. I don't know if it helps but I dunno either :P. I've made up my mind and I'm going back to true percs. I love the attitude of the GSM. Its so fun to make them mad by putting a plastic clown clip near them or a...
  16. wla1610

    clownfish sex question

    They were each in separate tanks for over a month. We put them together at the store and they got along. The larger one kept trying to pull the smaller clown into the anemone which was quite amusing to watch. Sometimes when I'm watching them I get the feeling that they are both females. When...
  17. wla1610

    clownfish sex question

    If you add 2 female GSM clowns to a tank and they don't kill each other, will the smaller turn back into a male? I have 2 that get along just fine, host the same anemone, erh well the smaller one is right by it all the time and sometimes in it. I keep seeing on the board that female will not...
  18. wla1610

    My clown just got sucked into my power head

    I had the same thing happen to my male true perc. It was really sad. I found him after he had been there for about 10 hours. I hoped he'd make it but he didn't. I should have pulled him out right away and given him the proper death. Now I have a pair of GSM. It's just not the same. I'll...
  19. wla1610

    Anemone question

    Yeah, I'm happy to finally get a MH setup. I'll build some sort of half canopy this weekend to set it about 6-8 inches off the top of my tank. Should be a fun weekend doing that.
  20. wla1610

    Anemone question

    Thats why I'm not feeding them to the fish. I found out about the lack of nutrition a while back. I also have a marine cuisine as well. I also ordered a Current USA Sunpod. 2 150W HQI 14k MH lights and 18 white&blue moonlights. Not a bad price. I'll have it on my doorstep for $450 flat...