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  1. wla1610

    I Really Need Help Fast!

    Watch the fins on the smaller fish. When I got my pair we introduced 2 female GSM together the big female kept grabbing the smaller females tail and pulled it into the anemone. It didn't rip the fin off but it was just frayed. The larger female also did a bit of the same thing at first. The...
  2. wla1610

    Anemone question

    Frozen. I only have it to feed anything except for my fish. I will not give them frozen brine shrimp.
  3. wla1610

    Anemone question

    What is the best thing to feed anemones? I've been using mysis and brine shrimp
  4. wla1610

    Anemone question

    Thanks again Thomas. I knew any undigested would get excreted. So far I haven't seen it do that at all this past week. I need to get some better food though. All I have is mysis shrimp and brine shrimp. I keep seeing that people feed them silverslides so I'll have to find some and try those...
  5. wla1610

    Anemone question

    Thanks for the help Thomas. On a side note I've increased giving the anemone food and it has begin to puff up a bit more. I've been feeding it once a week. This past week I've fed it 3 times and it's looking much much better. Is it possible to overfeed? I thought that if it didn't want...
  6. wla1610

    Anemone question

    I'm not too concerned. I just want to upgrade and do it right. I wish I would have gotten a MH fixture to begin with. I spent $450 on PC before and I can spend $450 on a MH fixture with 2 150W 14k bulbs. Oh well, it's the learning experience in the hobby. :)
  7. wla1610

    Anemone question

    Would 300 - 350W be overkill?
  8. wla1610

    Anemone question

    It can if I put some extra rock on that side of the tank. So far I have the anemone somewhat separated from the tank to keep it from floating into the corals. I've been debating on MH because I'd like to have some more intense corals. What do you think of the stuff I posted before?
  9. wla1610

    Anemone question

    Its a standard bow front 46 gal tank. Let me look at how deep it is. Draw a picture here. At the 0 inch mark is the bottom of the light. 2.5 inches down is the top of the tank. The depth of the tank is 21 inches total The anemone is 14 inches deep or 16.5 inches from the light. As to the...
  10. wla1610

    #$%#%- Powerheads!!!

    I've had the same problem before when the glass where the suction cups were was not clean. Any algae etc, will cause it to not stick very long. Hope that helps any.
  11. wla1610

    Temperature for a BTA

    Put a fan near your tank and have it so it blows the air into the gap of the tank and the lights. It has really helped me keep my temp at 78 degrees during the day. I live on a second floor apartment and it's always warm.
  12. wla1610

    Anemone question

    3 weeks or so.
  13. wla1610

    Anemone question

    Mine has not puffed up much more than what you see since I got the 2 maroons. The LFS that I've been going to is going to try to get a me a bigger GBTA. Do you think that could help the issue? Water: 0 Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites. 8.2 ph 0 phosphate 8.2dkh alk 450ppm cal temp 78 384 PC...
  14. wla1610

    Anemone question

    Thomas, no I don't have 2 different types now. I got rid of the true percs and got a pair of gold stripe maroons. Also, there was a post you had about choosing a healthy anemone. In what way will it react to food? Here is a picture.
  15. wla1610

    Anemone question

    If you have too large of a clownfish in your anemone will it cause him to not inflate his tentacles as much? I have had the anemonee for a while now and started with 2 true percs. It always looked plump until I got 2 gold stripe maroon clowns. Now it doesn't appear that the tentacles are fully...
  16. wla1610

    yellow watchman goby owners reply plz

    Thanks for the reply guys. Mine is starting to show himself just a bit. I'm not sure if he's eating yet. When I feed with new fish I put food in and go away so the shy new fish will come out to eat.
  17. wla1610

    yellow watchman goby owners reply plz

    To everyone that has a yellow watchman goby, is your fish standing out in your tank or is he hidden in the rocks all the time? Just trying to find out for curiousity sake. I got one 4 days ago and I've never seen him since. :( I'm hoping its just him getting used to the tank. When I bought...
  18. wla1610

    Coraline Algea...???

    Not a problem. Do you have corals in your tank?
  19. wla1610

    Coraline Algea...???

    4 gal a day water change? How big is your tank?
  20. wla1610

    Mag, Cal, Alk question

    Not sure on how to get it down. Check your water when you mix it. You could have a bad batch of salt possibly? I had that issue when I first started this hobby. Also, in response to the oxygen level. Does skimming help with the oxygen in the water? I really have my skimmer open for a...