My NEW 24gal nano DX!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Did you have someone that knew what they were doing and feeding your fish while you were away?
Sorry for your loss.


The Tank crashed and crashed and...crashed. Took so much money and effort from me that kept this tank alive for almost a year or more but 2 weeks of unknown incident by the person who took care of it had killed almost everything in my tank. I am planning to clean out the whole tank and just put everything to a stop for a long time if not for good. Still not sure what I want to do. I've lost so much money as well as the living creature that I cared for. I also can't just stop the hobby because, 1) I love it. and 2) I have invested so much in it (lighting, temp controllers etc). But it just doesnt seem right after the death to restart.
Until I figure out what to do, one advice I can give to those who keep such small tanks..(smaller then 24gal) is that the hardest thing about these tanks is..that any slight change or fluctuations cause cause a chain reaction. Much pride to those who have kept their nano cubes for so long!
Hope some of you learned things about some of the corals Ive kept. Hope everyone enjoys the pictures as well on here. I will no longer be updating my thread, unless I get back in this hobby.
Best of luck to all of you!
Thank you for the undying support from everyone here!


man that really sucks. 3 months ago i had a heater go in my 46 gal and it just nuked everything. i'm trying to rebuild but it is very tough. lol now i have 2 tanks though. a 12 gal aqua pod and the 46. i even splurged and bought a helfrichi firefish for the nano. it is such a beautiful fish and since the tank is sealed i'm happy.
my suggestion is to start over and take it slow. thats what i'm doing and i'm having a great time again.


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
I am so sorry to hear it totally crashed.

Thank you for the positive comments. Sadly, I dont have the tank anymore. I have gaven it away to a good home. I dont know if I will get back into this hobby ( mainly because of the fear of things dying again) but if I do, it will be most likely a 12gal. Appreciate everyone for looking at all my pictures when my tank was thriving. If I ever comeback, you will know! :)
Note to self: Never take a 2 week vacation leaving the tank at home haha...


Originally Posted by WLA1610
man that really sucks. 3 months ago i had a heater go in my 46 gal and it just nuked everything. i'm trying to rebuild but it is very tough. lol now i have 2 tanks though. a 12 gal aqua pod and the 46. i even splurged and bought a helfrichi firefish for the nano. it is such a beautiful fish and since the tank is sealed i'm happy.
my suggestion is to start over and take it slow. thats what i'm doing and i'm having a great time again.
Thank you for the postive comments. I appreciate it. Good luck with your two tanks. Post some pictures on here if you could sometime.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lbaskball
Note to self: Never take a 2 week vacation leaving the tank at home haha...


Active Member
hey ibaskball you wanna custom make my hood for a 24 gal nano cube where in california are you in i live in sacramento


Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213
hey ibaskball you wanna custom make my hood for a 24 gal nano cube where in california are you in i live in sacramento
I live in Burbank, California near Warner Bros Studios. I would make a custom hood for you if i had more time. Im actually a fulltime student/automotive technician. But you need to talk to jacksdad on here. That is the member name for him on here. He had a friend who builts custom hoods for him and they were awesome. Check out this thread, he was selling one of the custom made hoods for his 24gal nano.
Check out that thread.
Also, I can tell you exactly which parts you need and what you need to do to make a custom mod on your hood so it looks like mine. Its not that difficult.


Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213
hey ibaskball you wanna custom make my hood for a 24 gal nano cube where in california are you in i live in sacramento

I sent you an email, but it must be lost in cyberspace! I am selling my 24NC hood if you are interested let me know. I want to upgrade but I need to sell this first. Shoot me an email


Originally Posted by lbaskball
Thank you for the postive comments. I appreciate it. Good luck with your two tanks. Post some pictures on here if you could sometime.
i have 2 pictures in the clown fish forum right now. I really haven't taken anything else cuz i don't have things how i want them yet. I'm going to be redoing everything in a few weeks when i get the last few corals i'm looking for.


Ibaskball sad to hear your lost, but you had a nice tank! I had a 25g tank also for about 3 months now but still have'nt seen any new life growing from my LRs. how do you make maintain your tank, how often do you make water changes and how much?
my 25g tanks has
5 damsels (had it for 2 months)
1 Samurai (2 months)
1 blenny (1 week)
1 Mandarin (1 week)
3 turbo snails
2 feather dusters
2 elegant coral
1 green goniopora
1 plate coral long tentacles ( 1 week ) its tentacles does'nt come out anymore


Originally Posted by SHLovell16
EDIT: I saw that he already knew that information on another thread.
who knew it already?


I wrote a reply to you about how the mandarin will not survive without the pods, but then I saw your post in the Mandarin thread.
Anyways, Mercury, I don't want to sound like a bearer of bad news or an A-hole, but it sounds like your 25 gallon is extremely overstocked.


Originally Posted by SHLovell16
I wrote a reply to you about how the mandarin will not survive without the pods, but then I saw your post in the Mandarin thread.
Anyways, Mercury, I don't want to sound like a bearer of bad news or an A-hole, but it sounds like your 25 gallon is extremely overstocked.
well there's nothing wrong to ask for some good sound advice or technique on how other people are doing great with their tanks. Yeah i posted on the other thread but thats a different topic, why i posted this question is b/c i don't seem to have a good outcome of my LRs and my inverts doesnt seem to propagate. Hope there's nothing wrong in increasing one's knowledge don't you think?


No I understand, I wasn't trying to hound you and especially not about that. It's always great to ask for advice...I was just pointing out that your tank is way overstocked, and that is probably the cause of your problems. I'm sorry if I came off the wrong way, I didn't mean that at all. 8 fish is really too many for a 25 gallon tank. Especially when 6 of which tend to be aggresive (Damsels and Samurai), and one doesn't have the proper food. Once again, I didn't mean to not ask questions, I was just letting you know that having 8 fish in a nano is a heavy load.


Originally Posted by SHLovell16
No I understand, I wasn't trying to hound you and especially not about that. It's always great to ask for advice...I was just pointing out that your tank is way overstocked, and that is probably the cause of your problems. I'm sorry if I came off the wrong way, I didn't mean that at all. 8 fish is really too many for a 25 gallon tank. Especially when 6 of which tend to be aggresive (Damsels and Samurai), and one doesn't have the proper food. Once again, I didn't mean to not ask questions, I was just letting you know that having 8 fish in a nano is a heavy load.
i see, thanks for the info.
yes those damsel are quite aggressive critters but my samurai does'nt seem to be agressive he's always hiding inside the rock crevices.. actually i wanted to remove some of the damsels and the samurai but i don't know where to put them, don't have plans of buyin a new tank yet. :thinking:


You could always take them back to the LFS.
I don't really know what else you could do if you can't start another small tank.
Who knows, maybe it will all work out. I would just worry that with all of those fish it would cause a large bioload and create all sorts of problems but I could be wrong.
Once again didn't mean to jump off topic and "get on you", I just got a little "wowy"
. Anyways, goodluck.


Originally Posted by SHLovell16
You could always take them back to the LFS.
I don't really know what else you could do if you can't start another small tank.
Who knows, maybe it will all work out. I would just worry that with all of those fish it would cause a large bioload and create all sorts of problems but I could be wrong.
Once again didn't mean to jump off topic and "get on you", I just got a little "wowy"
. Anyways, goodluck.
it's ok no harm done. hope i would get some tips on how they do it. I used Sera marinvit, sera coral liquid, sera calcium plus, sera ammovec, sera nitrivec, sera fistamin drops, fish pellets for food and live brine shrimps.