My NEW 24gal nano DX!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Originally Posted by NateP206
just realized u have the color hammer ive been looking for. r u willing to trade a frag? or sell? . ill problly give u a deal. if u will trade i have these zoos i could give u up to 20 polyp for only one head!:scared: let me know.


beautiful zoo's!


Here is an update to everyone of my tank.
I finally received my powerhead through the mail.
I spent 2 hours cleaning my tank, scrubbing off as much algae and taking it out of the tank as much as I could. I put a new carbon filtration bag. And lastly, put in the maxijet water pump in place of my broken crappy stock jbj pump. And guess what? The star polpys have opened up nicely today compared to only 2 or 3 stars that had opened up before. The tank is looking good and healthy. Its amazing a little flow of water can affect the whole tank.
I have a new addition to my tank.. a fox coral! :) and also, to keep everything running perfect..I bought a reefkeeper 2.
Now everything is being controlled, I dont need to worry about that stupid power strip made by some company that has the damn timer that always breaks down.
My 36watt will come on at 8:00 in the morning, then my metal halides will kick on at 9:00AM and the MH will turn off at 5:30PM and the PC lights turn off at 6:00. Just how it was before except sine the summer is comming, if the tank gets above 86F, the MH will turn off until the tank temp goes down. :)


New pictures will be up soon. Please check back soon! I will be posting pictures of my tank, and my new corals, fox coral and a short tentacle coral!


Active Member
Awesome tank and corals. Hope everything keeps doing well, same with those zoo's. They would like nice in your tank...


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Awesome tank and corals. Hope everything keeps doing well, same with those zoo's. They would like nice in your tank...

Thank you Thank you! Make sure to check in for those new pictures i will be posting within a couple of days


Here are updated pictures from my tank taken today and couple of days ago!



As you can see from the above pics, the star polyps have grown tremendously. I also got a fox coral that looks nice, and the huge brain coral! And I also got a Green BTA, with orange tips....the colors arn't that bright on camera, but in person it is bright green.
Lastly, I will post a close up of my elegance coral and a side picture of my tank for all of you to see! ***)



Active Member
The Elegance looks pretty healthy.
However, watch it closely, they seldom do well in captivity, but I have seen some successfully kept.
How about a full tank shot and a close up of your clam?


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
The Elegance looks pretty healthy.
However, watch it closely, they seldom do well in captivity, but I have seen some successfully kept.
How about a full tank shot and a close up of your clam?
Yeah i heard the elegance corals are very hard to keep, Ive had this one for not too long time now. Ive had this one since february, which really isnt a long time at all. So we will see. Here is a close up of my clam.


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
The clam looks great. How big is it?
Its pretty big for a nano lol.. I would say about the size of your whole palm/hand a little smaller. About 5inchs in length and 5inch in width and 4inchs in height


By the way bonebreak, forget the clam, you got those bright red blastos that i really want in your tank!!


Originally Posted by PClown
Hey lbaskball, I like to see a full shot of your tank. Oh, I love those zoos
Ill try to get you a full tank pic asap for ya buddy ! :)


Originally Posted by arsen_36

Thank you! Thank you!
Post some pictures of your tank if you have any, i'd love to see them.


Went to baja california for 2 weeks, and came back to a disaster.
Ammonia was high as it can be on the chart indicator. I dont know for how long. I cant find the anemone, I'm guessing it got caught in the powerhead and died because that explains the really high ammonia levels. I walked into a full of green algae everywhere and bunch of bristleworms on the glass. CORALS DEAD!!!!!!!!
My favorite, HUGE, frogspawn is dying or dead. Its skin has ripped out and tentacles are shrivled up. My hammer coral (5 branches) are fully dead, only the calcium skeleton is left. My plate coral is dead. And my cup coral is dead. My fox coral is dying. My clowns breathing hard. I did a 50 percent water change and went to the store and added oceanic saltwater straight from the ocean.
The only things that were not affected by this SUPRINGLY..are..
My beautiful elegance coral is still open and looking good. This was the only coral when I came up that was still open without any damage. I dont know how this culd have been, but I am very lucky since this was the most expensive coral I have in my tank. I would have to say this is the hardiest coral from all my corals second to none. Its living proof from a disaster like this.
My clam is still open and looking healthy.
My sun coral looks to be okay.
My brain coral looks healthy.
Star polpys havnt opened up but they should be okay.
Zoo's havnt opened up, but should be okay.
I will do another water change tonight and see if I can get my frogspawn to live. Very very sad. I am almost about to give away my corals that are alive. I will be doing another water change tonight and I will be changing the filter media with new carbon and phosphate removers. I think that should help.
I will take pics so everyone can see the tragedy.



im so sorry to hear that dude. my tank crashed a few months ago...the reason...jbj got cheap and used VERY CHEAP metals in their powerhead. i found rust when i opened it up. make sure there isnt any metal in there. i made the mistake of thinking ammonia killed the majority of my corals. but it seems to be the case here. once again im sorry to hear of your crash, i feel your pain. jump on those water changes!!! good luck, keep us posted


SOOO sorry to hear about your losses man! I have modeled my 24 gal after your tank - I love it! Hopefully you can get it back to normal quickly, and are able to save the remaining inhabitants. Good luck.