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  1. robbie59

    porcupine puffer feeding...he wont eat!

    What I did was scoop him up in a big plastic water pitcher and put in some silversides so hes close to the food. It looked like he ate the small pieces and didnt mess with the big ones. I dont know if he ate the pieces or he just sucked them in to his mouth. I feel a little bit better about...
  2. robbie59

    porcupine puffer feeding...he wont eat!

    well still nothing.. hes not eaten anything in over a week but he looks happy. I have tried everythign except the garlic. maybe hes just not hungry, lets hope..hate to lose a fish to this,
  3. robbie59

    porcupine puffer feeding...he wont eat!

    just tried goast shrimp and they landed on his face...still not eating, but looks happy, going on day 8 ????
  4. robbie59

    porcupine puffer feeding...he wont eat!

    got a porcupine puffer last week and i have tried to feed him everyday. Even tried to get him intrested in the food by putting it in his face with a feeding stick. Sometimes he takes some of it and then spits it out.. I am feeding kreel and squid.. Also he lays down all day and only swims at...
  5. robbie59

    pooping puffer

    Well, after reading all of these post I understand more about the problem... I think if I make the pieces smaller he will be able to digest it smoother. It only makes since.. Thanks
  6. robbie59

    pooping puffer

    my puffer gets really dark and acts weird before letting the big one go...Then hes fine, Anyone have this problem... And does anybody feed their fish uncooked shrimp from the grocery store? and how often?
  7. robbie59

    Cloudy looking tank? is it the lights?

    no its only cloudy near the top of the tank where the light are.. My lights sit about 4 inches above the water level so maybe this is creating a lighting effect... with the lights off I can see everything super clear... I have no ideal, I was hoping someone else had this problem,,its hard to...
  8. robbie59

    Cloudy looking tank? is it the lights?

    all my levels are on point...and the water is very clear with the light off and the room lights on... So it has to be my light set up reflecting off my black sides and back.... this is an in-wall tank so there is not much light getting in or out,,,, Thanks
  9. robbie59

    Cloudy looking tank? is it the lights?

    nope, I feed them brine shrimp and some seaweed.
  10. robbie59

    Cloudy looking tank? is it the lights?

    My tank looks very hazy when my lights are on making my water look very cloudy, when I turn them off I the water looks crystal clear.. My light set up is 4- 24" coral life 50/50 and a 48" 40 watt actinic bulb. I have been playing with my light set up trying to get the right combination...I want...
  11. robbie59

    Parasites OR ICH?

    Thanks for the reply. I have been checking out all the fish and I don’t see anything on any of white spots and no other "bugs" catching a ride.. Nothing on the Brown Tang either. He has had fungus before but that has since gone away. I added some copper this afternoon in hopes of...
  12. robbie59

    Parasites OR ICH?

    another pic
  13. robbie59

    Parasites OR ICH?

    Please help, I woke up this morning and I found my dogface puffer swimming around like crazy. He has gained a small "something" on his fin and I can’t identify it. Looks like something is growing on there or jumped on.. It might even have eyes...the puffer doesn't like it, at all. If you can...
  14. robbie59

    swimming fish?

    Im guessing i have good movement...A center overflow with two jets coming out of that going to both sides of the tank.. Sometimes the YT gets right up into the flow and hangs out...But my PB still hides a lot..
  15. robbie59

    swimming fish?

    Yea everything is in perfect order... as far as levels.. . Maybe he is just shy, I dont know...could be a bully problem, I dont know...How he grows out of it becasue i cant see him in the tank...Maybe its time for a new active fish, any suggestion so tadd to my puff- tang combo?
  16. robbie59

    What kind of Puffer is this!

    thanks. That explains the sleep during the day.. But a swimmer at night
  17. robbie59

    swimming fish?

    Thats the thing, he was a mover until about a week ago, now he is real shy and only moves from one rock to the other...The yellow tang is always out and never hides...But used to...maybe its just to small and scared of the others...its a small PB up against a large yellow tang...
  18. robbie59

    What kind of Puffer is this!

    Thanks, Now I know!
  19. robbie59

    swimming fish?

    Yea their in a 125, PLenty of room with lots of rocks to hide...
  20. robbie59

    swimming fish?

    Right now I have a Puffer who swims constantly and a yellow tang who does the same. My question is about my Powder blue tang, At first he swam a lot in the tank and now I'm noticing that he is hiding behind a rock all day. He is smaller than the other tang but they never had a problem before...