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  1. raf

    Six Line Wrasse

    my sixline tends to pick on new guys as well. he wont leave the poor dragonet alone.
  2. raf

    night time flow question

    Well I kinda threw the tank together with leftover parts and pieces so the equipment is junk. The seaclone100 skimmer is pretty noisy as well as both oldschool penn-plax powerheads. I'll probably just end up upgrading powerheads before I do that.
  3. raf

    night time flow question

    I have a 55g that i want to put in my room but my equipment is kinda noisy. For flow I have 2 powerheads, HOB skimmer and 60g HOB filter. Would it be OK to kill everything but the filter for the 8 hours I'm asleep? Or would the lack of flow cause problems?
  4. raf

    120 Gallon Stocking Ideas

    I'm going for a volitan, niger, dogface and some kind of dwarf angel or smaller tang.
  5. raf

    What killed my hippo?

    OK then how do I safely rinse the bleach out? Is there some kind of additive i have to put in?
  6. raf

    What killed my hippo?

    what if i were to drain the water and dry the tank outside in the sun? I'm assuming nothing will survive then right?
  7. raf

    What killed my hippo?

    how long will it take with the copper treatment to kill it off? I have some Mardel Coppersafe here but not sure if it will do any good.
  8. raf

    What killed my hippo?

    what about adding copper? or some other velvet treatment?
  9. raf

    What killed my hippo?

    looks like it was probably oodinium. How can i make sure the QT is safe to put new fish in?
  10. raf

    What killed my hippo?

    Yeah the spots were pretty similar to ich, not so much like dusting powder (whatever that is). The black stripe is actually black, but the fish did have some blotchy discoloration. This guy was in QT because i just got him. He never saw the DT.
  11. raf

    What killed my hippo?

    I left it in freshwater for the last 30 mins after it died and found some long stringy brown things in the bucket. Could it be a worm or is the fish just pooping while its dead?
  12. raf

    What killed my hippo?

    the typical: ammonia: undetectable nitrates: maybe 10 or less nitrites: 0 pH: 8.2 sg: 1.023 (using IO swingarm hydrometer) temp: 78F
  13. raf

    What killed my hippo?

    I've had this fish in QT for about 4 days now, eating awesome twice a day. I was giving it formula one, two, emerald entree, brine and mysis, all with garlic supplement. I noticed 3 white specs on his face about two days ago and thought it was ich but not too sure. This morning the fish was...
  14. raf

    Need opinion on 285G

    Since nobody has responded yet........................I'l just give you an idea from what my local guy would sell this for. tank, stand and lid $550 sand: depends whether its live or not but not a whole lot sump $50 skimmer: depends on brand not sure on the metal halide I'd say under $1000 for...
  15. raf

    Does increasing temps do more harm than good?

    i raised the temp in my 55 to 86f when i had an ich outbreak 8+ months ago. It never came back and i didnt lose a single fish (to ich)
  16. raf

    ICH on Eels?

    so does this mean that its not as important to QT an eel? what other illnesses are they prone to?
  17. raf

    90 G tank for sale at a it worth it?

    i bought my 95 wavefront in excellent shape with 30g sump, 4x65 PCs, skimmer, 150lbs LR, 100LBs LS, return pump etc etc established for 3+ years for $500 on CL.
  18. raf

    Problem with ich, need help!!!

    I'm still waiting for someone to say that your tank is overcrowded. seems to be at least one of those in each thread.
  19. raf

    hypo treatment?

    I'm no expert but I usually leave it for a week after no visual signs of ich. then I take another week to raise salinity and then another week to monitor the fish. Disclaimer: this might be bad advice but it works for me