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  1. beachrat

    Dumbest thing you dropped in your tank?

    At a wild college party over 20 years ago.... I drank to unconsciousness. When I woke up from the living room floor I noticed someone vomited in the fish tank. Needless to say, alll the inhabitants were dead.
  2. beachrat

    smelly protein skimmer

    I mix my skimmate with my coffee in the morning. Protein and Omega III. Breakfast of Champions.
  3. beachrat

    Making a Refugium

    You should have a check valve on the return(pump) side that allows water to flow only one direction in case of a power outage. When I built my sump/refug I started and primed the pump and then decided I needed to reroute one of the pipes. It was around dinner time so I unplugged the pump and...
  4. beachrat

    What eats mossy alge???

    Seems Thomas712 has a lot of time on his
  5. beachrat

    clownfish disapearing

    My Maroon Clown committed suicide last night. I found a dried up piece of "beff jerky" on the floor. It looked a little like my clownfish. I gave him a proper send off in the circular vortex. Check around your tank. You may find some petrified clowns.
  6. beachrat

    sump question

    I'm in the process of using a 29g high tank for a sump/refug combo. I have all the plumbing parts, tank and acrylic for the baffles. After I get back from vacation I'll assemble it. I'll post the final design.
  7. beachrat

    Trigger Treat

    I just got a Humu Trigger and he is nipping at an Emerald Crab. Should I relocate the Emerald before he becomes Trigger food?
  8. beachrat

    A Complete Disaster

    You should get a ball valve and put it after your mag output and open it halfway. That will reduce the flow into your tank. I am in the process of building and plumbing a sump/fuge for 2 tanks, a 29 and a 55. My flow rate needs to be less for the 29 than the 55. My LFS owner informed me to use...
  9. beachrat

    Sally Lightfoot

    I keep on seeing my Sally munching on my Blue-legged Hermit Crabs. Sally is well fed also. I guess the Blue-legs are a Sally delicacy...
  10. beachrat

    Yellow Tang Attacking Fish!

    A while back I got a Yellow Tang. Once acclimated to the tank he became very territorial and aggressive. He hid behind rocks and only came out to wreak havoc on the other fish. He killed a Flame Angel and two Blue-green Chromis and in the process damaged his mouth. He couldn't eat and...
  11. beachrat

    Sally Lightfoot molt?

    I had two Lightfoot crabs. One molted and a transparent shell was left after the molt and a "new" Lightfoot crab. The other crab appeared to try to molt but just died clutching a rock. I thought maybe he had molted but when I picked up the shell of the crab it was heavy and smelled bad.