Dumbest thing you dropped in your tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
My cat, well he sort of jumped in but I was holding him by the tank at the time. He doesn't go near the aquariums now.
lmao same thing here.my cat used to lay on top of the glass hoods all the time i was cleaning the hoods and she jumped up and landed on my 13 in puffer .puffer was fine cat was drenched but she dont go near my tanks anymore lol
could have bee worse she could have landed on my lion :scared:


New Member
At a wild college party over 20 years ago.... I drank to unconsciousness. When I woke up from the living room floor I noticed someone vomited in the fish tank. Needless to say, alll the inhabitants were dead.


Originally Posted by Birdy
I didn't notice that I had dipped my ummmm.... chest into the water, luckily had a black shirt on, of course the owner was standing right there, I was pretty embarassed. My husband was there helping also and made a comment about getting the snails from the cold tank (ie Duece Bigalow), gee thanks that helps.
HAHAHAHAHA Thats funny,
I love that movie.
"The ones at the bottom are better!"


Mine isnt exactly IN the tank but because of the tank...I just bought some crazyglue and didnt realize it was leaking. All I did was pick it up once and I got a bunch on my finger, which I thought was suger glaze from a pastry...guess what I did?

All I'll say is that stuff really does bond skin instantly...

my way

Active Member
I had a roomate who started to get involved in freshwater fishing. He asked my if I thought his new lures were any good. I told him if he took the hooks of he could test them out in my 150 aggresive tank. Well it seems triggerfish love fishing lures they destroyed a couple of the ones with the rubbery fringe things on them. One pull across the tank and there were no fringes left on them at all. He was amazed at the aggression of my boys.


My husband is a fishing outdoors guy. I have a 10gal qt tank set up and I don't know who did it but I found a fish hook in with the fish. Thankfully it didn't catch anything!!!


My two youngest decided the fishies might be cold, so they filled the small aquarium w/ paper towels to keep the fishies warm!
No more fishies in that tank! :happyfish


Active Member
I don't think anything wacky in my own tanks thank goodness but when I worked in an aquarium I dropped a radio in there. That didn't go over well. Also a cell phone (rubbing alcohol saved it!). Several people took glee in throwing things into the tanks...pennies were a fav, and often into our pain in the rear cylindrical coral tank, or alligator exhibit. :mad: Someone threw a stuffed "Patrick" from Spongebob into the alligator exhibit as well. Very very difficult to convince the inhabitants to let go.


Active Member
i recently re-watched deuce bigilow a couple of months ago. man did i crack up! the first time i watched it, several years ago, i didnt even REALIZE that he maintained sw fish tanks!!!!! that is so hilarious. i was cracking up the whole second time. i love the snails part
one time, we (my dad lol) was working on the lights, as in unbolting the vhos from the hood and repositioning them. well he left to do something, and when i looked at the tank, they were hanging in the water!!!!! apparently he hadnt finished screwing in one side and had left to go find another screw! i pulled them out and they were fine.
ive never really dropped anything bad in the tank, except for algae clips that get swept away very quickly and sink to the bottom and get wedged in these impossible places under th lr if you know what i mean.
i did once have a fish that didnt want to go IN the tank!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tormented
Mine isnt exactly IN the tank but because of the tank...I just bought some crazyglue and didnt realize it was leaking. All I did was pick it up once and I got a bunch on my finger, which I thought was suger glaze from a pastry...guess what I did?

All I'll say is that stuff really does bond skin instantly...
dear lord!!!!! does it bond to places inside of your mouth too?!!! im sorry...... i realy am..... but thats jsut funny


I realized it was glue almost immediately, but I felt the bond to my tongue already happening. Its fast.
ANd it is funny.

Originally Posted by fishieness
dear lord!!!!! does it bond to places inside of your mouth too?!!! im sorry...... i realy am..... but thats jsut funny


Active Member
Originally Posted by bluelagoon
i haven't dropped anything in my tank yet, but i dropped something into my bucket of water after a water change. the day after i got my brand new ipod (don't worry, it wasn't the ipod), i had done a water change and had the bucket of water sitting by my desk. dropped the charger into the water. there were several swear words out of my mouth, and my awful roommate at the time just laughed.... thankfully the charger still works, i got the blowdryer out and left it sit for like a week before i tried to use it. oh and i get a new roomie for the coming semester!

ill tell you what, those ipods MUST be water resistant. one of of my friends. her stomach wasnt doing well. she was sick and well, leaning over the toilette. after vomiting,she dropped her ipod into the toilette! she actualy reached in, pulled it out, washed it off, sprayed with with lysol and used a hair drying. it works!
and sorry to anyone who found that repulsive.