Dumbest thing you dropped in your tank?


Oh joy!!!! Just one upped myself!!!!
I was working on my tank lights, wasnt paying attention. One of my halides touched the water surface. ( WHILE ON )
Lets just say hot halides on warm water equals One big

explosion. Scared the fool outta me!!! Then to make matters worse while taking my lights off one of my VHO's fell out of the socket. EXPLODED scared the ish outta me again!!!
I have glass all over my living room. I swear it felt like some one had squeezed a round out of a Desert Eagle 50cal beside me. No one died!! Didnt even phase my tank!!


I have 2 pretty funny stories:
My dad was doing a water change on his FW tank and he dropped his wallet into the tank (don't ask how...not sure how working on a tank = wallet in tank) Needless to say it wasn't a huge catastrophe until he decided to dry his wallet off in the microwave.....yuck...
And once at the fish store i worked at a girl didn't measure the medicine correctly and ALL of the fish jumped out within a matter of about an hour before anyone realized what happened. (this was FW btw) So i'm talking with a customer and suddently a 6 inch Bala Shark comes sailing out of the tank and hits me in the back of the head. A black molly also landed in my shirt pocket that day.
Luckily we were able to put the fish into a separate tank until the system got flushed out. It wasn't humerous until afterwards


I droped my light, on, into my freshwater a few years back and with my arm in the tank. No casualties.
I dropped my cell phone into my salt. I think they wanted pizza.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dmm0724
I have 2 pretty funny stories:
My dad was doing a water change on his FW tank and he dropped his wallet into the tank (don't ask how...not sure how working on a tank = wallet in tank) Needless to say it wasn't a huge catastrophe until he decided to dry his wallet off in the microwave.....yuck...
And once at the fish store i worked at a girl didn't measure the medicine correctly and ALL of the fish jumped out within a matter of about an hour before anyone realized what happened. (this was FW btw) So i'm talking with a customer and suddently a 6 inch Bala Shark comes sailing out of the tank and hits me in the back of the head. A black molly also landed in my shirt pocket that day.
Luckily we were able to put the fish into a separate tank until the system got flushed out. It wasn't humerous until afterwards
what is it with people who try to dry things off in the microwave? i have a friend who accidentally left his school text book out in the rain. well, it was soaked and he decided to dry it off in the microwave also. that book expanded like you wouldnt believe! it was huge and fat! so what does he do next? he runs over it with his car a couple of times to flatten it out! needless to say he had to pay for a replacement book, lol


I put a Small Mouth Bass into my FW tank when I was in High School. I caught it with my rod, it was about 3 inches long. Lived for years and ate flake and pellets. Was a cool fish swimming around with Jack Demsey and my Oscars.


New Member
when I had my 20gal set up in my dorm room, a few friends and I were sitting around drinking a few beers watch football. I left due to the call of nature and come back and find all my rockwork everywhere and big grins on my buddies faces. Come to find out they payed my buddy $10 bucks to try and catch one of my fish not with a net mind you. Turns out he was trying to catch my 4 stripe damsel and had about zero luck thankfuly.

the gift

ha i hit my head on the shelf above it and the entire shelf including contents like white out, sharpies, highlighters, and an open bottle of allegra D ahhhhh


Originally Posted by dbalkema
About 5 years ago, my son dropped a bowl of Cereal with milk in the tank. He did it on accident ofcourse, but was scared and didn't tell me until it was too late. All my fish had died. I didn't notice my tank until about 2 hours later. That was pretty bad....

How did he drop a bowl of cereal in rhe tank?


when i first started in the aquarium hobby with my 10 gal Fresh water tank whan I was maybe 9. I thought that my gourami's would like a drink and in went a can of Coke! I learned a few days later that Coke makes fish sick.


Originally Posted by boalgf
Worst thing for me was an unquarantined powder blue tang. I had her in the bag getting drip acclimated on top of the tank. Right when I opened the bag all the way she jumped out of the bag, landed on the tank top of the closed side, and flopped her way in to the tank. Only my foxface has ever jumped that far before. Took me 2 hours to get her back out after I disassembled the rockwork.
SO DID SHE LIVE???????????????/


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I dropped a Craftsman 19.2 volt flourescent Flashlight into the lagoon once.

Wish I had a lagoon to drop something in...


Active Member
i dropped my light in cuz i didnt even realize it wasn't secured on my hood and it went straight in and zapped out, with no thoguht at all (cuz i always do stupid stuff and try to fix it before anyone notices) i grabbed it (electricuting me) and pulled it out, then unplugged and dried it... it just blinks a little now when i first turn it on... getting zapped sucks... no casualties


Active Member
My sink is near my tank about 6 feet away. Anyway in the summer I run coling fans to colthe tank so I get at least 5 gallons of evaporation per day. I usually just hok my RODI and have it top off ym sump. One night I was up late and I had the tak topping off. any way to make a long story short I live on the ground floor of an apartment building under me is the garage. I fell asleep to be woken up by the super in the building knocking on my door. When I woke up and saw what my 200GPH RODI unit has done in the past 7 hours I just made beleive I wasnt home and spent the next cuople hours drying everything in my apartment. Some lady claims her lexus got all wet and didn't understand why the water didn't feel the same "SALT". this happened about 3 weeks ago since them I am sorta having an issue raising my salinity since it majorily dropped that night, at least it was gradual and didn't stress the fish. Also god thing I use a GFCI or else who knows what could have happened.


Active Member
mmm lets see
Refugium lights into sump......No problems lights still work fine

Fresh carbon I didn't rinse it out... Black everything in my tank everyone lived

10,000,000,000 phosguard pellets in my sump......That SUCKED cleaning out

I'm sure there's more but it's late :hilarious