Dumbest thing you dropped in your tank?


I try to not have anything around the tank that I wouldnt want to fall in.
I just remembered one day...I was pouring some carbon into a bag and they got spilled in the tank. I had little tiny peices of carbon all over the place in the tank. Took me an hour with a net to get it all out.


I haven't done anything dumb YET with my tank. I did have some kalklasser powder mix sitting on my kitchen counter. I was reading the directions and I read "Extremely irritating to the eyes and skin". Right then, I was trying to be very careful peeling off the foil and POP!
About half the powder went into the air, the kitchen, my face, arms, hands, hair and eyes! I was standing there in shock, covered in powder from head to toe going.... "OMG, I can't believe I just did that".


Well , my son has put a matchbox truck in my sump( now the doors have a lock on them), and he got a cup full of dirty dish water and poured some in, I caught him in the act.
, .with some very quick action and changing all the water I lost very little.
Man that sucked LOL!!!!


my bird he decided while on my shoulder while i was feeding my fish he wanted to learn how to dive freaked him out freaked me out but everything was ok. i will get a pic of him soon.


Active Member
...my nose!! I was rearranging rockwork and concentrating a bit too hard. I didn't notice how close my face had gotten to the water when I reached all the way in to get something from the bottom and BAM!!! Salt water up the nose. Hahaha, and u think getting chlorinated water up ur nose in the swimming pool is bad!! My eyes were red and watery for 2 hours. :scared:
A miracle I didn't get any in my mouth!


i put a bucket of mop water in that i thought had been put out for me to top off with. :scared: lol everything died luckly it was fw and onyl 2 fish.


I was killing off some unwanted hitchhikers and knocked over an entire bottle of opened joes juice. It made my tank look like a snow globe for about a 1/2 hr and I was sure I killed everything in it, but all was ok!


Active Member
Well maybe not the dumbest thing I have dropped in a tank but certainly the most embarassing.
I maintain tanks as a side job, I was at a fairly new clients (only been a couple times), I was standing on a ladder, reaching towards the bottom of the tank to move some stuff around and since the water was a nice warm 82 degrees I didn't notice that I had dipped my ummmm.... chest into the water, luckily had a black shirt on, of course the owner was standing right there, I was pretty embarassed. My husband was there helping also and made a comment about getting the snails from the cold tank (ie Duece Bigalow), gee thanks that helps.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crazyaqua
thats scuba PJ
That's a cute Grey Female Cockatiel. I used to raise Cockatiels for 5 years, I had all different colors, Greys, Pearls, Pieds, Cinnamon, Cinnamon Pearl Whiteface, Whiteface, Lutinos, Albinos, Splits, etc etc. I had a lot! Too dusty though!!!! Had to keep a Hepa Filter running at all times. Too many of them can be a health hazard, from their powder feather dust, unknow what they do for the bird though. :happyfish


Active Member
LoLLLLLLLL!!!!! Birdy, that's the best one yet. Hey, at least u know ur hubby still likes to be naughty


Active Member
I just got my tank and when I was mounting my moon lights I dropped in screws, they of course fell into the holes in my LR. Had to pull out all the LR to get the screws out.

michelle l

Mine was a huge strawberry crab that I didn't research before I purchased and dropped it in. It terrorized the tank until I got rid of it!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Birdy
Well maybe not the dumbest thing I have dropped in a tank but certainly the most embarassing.
I maintain tanks as a side job, I was at a fairly new clients (only been a couple times), I was standing on a ladder, reaching towards the bottom of the tank to move some stuff around and since the water was a nice warm 82 degrees I didn't notice that I had dipped my ummmm.... chest into the water, luckily had a black shirt on, of course the owner was standing right there, I was pretty embarassed. My husband was there helping also and made a comment about getting the snails from the cold tank (ie Duece Bigalow), gee thanks that helps.
can someone explain the last sentance i dont really get it?? "a comment about getting the snails from the cold tank (ie Duece Bigalow), gee thanks that helps" ???