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  1. twobitt

    lawnmower blenny

    Originally Posted by sepulatian How do you acclimate the snails and what is your SG? Inverts need an SG of 1.025-1.026 and should be drip acclimated for 3-4 hrs. It may be the SG I keep it around 1.023-1.024. I acclimate any new livestock pretty carefully. I don't use the drip method but I've...
  2. twobitt

    green hair algae

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 lol, yes, by blasting it with a turkey baster, you are essentially spreading it like wildfire. give your blenny some time to adjust. He will eventually start eating it. Nutrient export is one of the key things that you want to start doing. Water changes...
  3. twobitt

    lawnmower blenny

    I have a 60 gallon tank and for some reason I can't keep the snails alive in my tank. I had a couple of them for 6 months or more and they ended up dying and since then I've bought 3 or 4 more to try and help the algae problem and they have all died within a couple of days. Not sure why...
  4. twobitt

    green hair algae

    Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 hmm, hair algae once again! Of course, it's all about excess nutrience. You can do a few things: 1. Buy a nice working protein skimmer. If you have one, make it work more efficiantly and clean it often. Got it but realized earlier today that their is a part of...
  5. twobitt

    lawnmower blenny

    Are a lawnmower and rock blenny the same fish or are they different? I'm looking to get something to eat up some excess green hair algae and I've heard a lawnmower will do the trick. I went to the lfs and all they had was a rock blenny then when I asked he said it is basically the same but not...
  6. twobitt

    green hair algae

    Yeah I'm trying. I use ro/di water and I have cut feeding back to about half of what I was at before. I did use tap water in the very beginning only because the lfs people told me it was ok to use tap and just put some dechlorinator in it. At the time I didn't know any better but that was for...
  7. twobitt

    green hair algae

    Will carbon help green hair algae? I'm battling a problem in my tank with green hair algae and am not running carbon currently. I was just wondering if carbon does anything for it at all.
  8. twobitt

    salifert phosphate remover

    It doesn't say how long to dose for which is why I'm asking. It also says that phosphate test kits won't work properly while using this application.
  9. twobitt

    How to do a proper water change, by reefkprZ

    Could you detail anything you might do to the sand bed. I have had my tank for about a year now and always hear people mention siphoning their sand but I have yet to figure out how to effectively do this or read something that really explains well how it is to be done.
  10. twobitt

    salifert phosphate remover

    Does anyone know how long you need to apply this in order to bring phosphates down from 0.25ppm to a normal level,whatever that may be. 60 gallon salt water tank using 12.5mm dose every 24 hours.
  11. twobitt

    Dying fish- who's to blame?

    Forgot to mention that my fire shrimp may be missing too he.
  12. twobitt

    Dying fish- who's to blame?

    forgot to answer the question about the mantis shrimp. I have not heard any clicking noises and have not put any live rock or anything that could possibly introduce a mantis shrimp into the tank for several months and the fish started disappearing just recently. I will have to keep an eye out or...
  13. twobitt

    Dying fish- who's to blame?

    First 1 missing is when we were on vacation and supposedly noone ever saw the fish (false perc) he just disappeared. The fire goby hasn't been seen in like 2 days and i'm beginning to worry. He does hide alot but will come out when eating. The powder blue tang I found dead on the sand with the...
  14. twobitt

    Dying fish- who's to blame?

    I am occasionally losing fish and I have a feeling somebody in the tank is not playing nice. To the best of my knowledge everyone in the tank is supposed to be peaceful but I'm starting to wonder. Tank includes: 1 foxface 1 coral beauty 1 yellow coris wrasse 2 false percs 2 fire gobies 1 yellow...
  15. twobitt

    abused fire shrimp?

  16. twobitt

    abused fire shrimp?

    Interesting I had not thought of him being a problem. Would he pose a serious threat to the fire shrimp or would it be more of a nuisance? The fire shrimp is probably 3 times the size of the peppermint shrimp but as I said before the fire shrimp is very shy and the peppermint shrimp is much more...
  17. twobitt

    abused fire shrimp?

  18. twobitt

    abused fire shrimp?

    My fire shrimp's tentacles or whatever you call them appear to all be broken off or possibly bitten off. Is this something I should be concerned with? I am afraid he is getting picked on by one of his tank mates. He is fairly shy so I do not see him every day but about a week ago I noticed that...
  19. twobitt

    Dying clownfish looks bloated

    Yes he was swimming in circles kind of like a corkscrew pattern. Thanks for the info I will look it up as you suggested.
  20. twobitt

    Dying clownfish looks bloated

    I just put him in a bag to inspect him closer. His gills are extremely red in color and he is extremely bloated. I think I am just going to put him in the freezer so he doesn't suffer any more but if anyone has any clue on what this may be a symptom of please let me know so I can try to combat...