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  1. marksgirl

    First Clown NEED Advice!

    My Perculas like brine shrimp, and other meaty foods but I have also noticed that they do need some vegetable mater in their diet or they tend to lose some of their color... Marks Girl:jumping:
  2. marksgirl

    What eats green long hair algae??

    I had the smae problem and my Hubby and I went and picked up a sally light foot crab... not a trace of it left now:) We have to feed the crab now cause he has nothing to eat!! Marks Girl:jumping:
  3. marksgirl

    Anemone For Perculas

    On this site the have a "peach sebae" and a "white sebae" which would you happen to have??? Thanks!! Marks Girl:happyfish
  4. marksgirl

    Maroon rubbing my hand

    My Perculas are as sweet as can be and are not the least bit scared of my hand. The larger on will swim through my fingers and try to nibble on my hand.:) Marks Girl
  5. marksgirl

    Anemone For Perculas

    Hello, I have been looking into getting my pair of perculas a anemone... I found that some people say Long Tentacles are the best.. what do you all think??? Thanks!!!! Marks Girl:happyfish
  6. marksgirl

    2 yellow clown gobies??

    Hello all, Just a quick question- I have a 55 gal and was wondering if I can put two yellow clown gobies in there together?? Thanks alot!! Marks Girl