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    ecosystem internet deals???

    I am getting ready to build a ecosystem style sump out of a 55gal would like to see pics or diagram if someone would email that would be great
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    southdown in iowa

    I live in iowa and have tried the home depots here and cant find southdown sand any other stores carry this brand.
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    Schooling fish

    I have a school of 5 green chromis and it is really cool to watch them swim together I would definatly recommend these as a good schooling fish.
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    lighting for 125L

    I am in the planning process for my 125 I have the tank and was org going to be a f/o but after reading posts here I am pretty sure I am going to go with a dsb and some live rock. My question is because of the fish I want to keep I dont think I will have many if any corals in tank. I might get...
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    dsb in new tank

    Another question I have about dsb is how effective would this be on a tank that has large fish and less rockwork. I currently have a juv emp angel in smaller tank and want to get a couple of blue hippo tangs with a few smaller fish would a dsb be effective with this type of fish load. I am in...
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    dsb in new tank

    The other thing is I am not planning on this being a true reef tank as I hope to have a couple of large fish a emperor angel being one. If I don't have a lot of live rock will the dsb still be as effective.
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    dsb in new tank

    I just purchased a 125 long this weekend and after reading numerous posts about benifits of a dsb want to go that direction. My question is if I purchase some sand from HD and some from lfs or online. How much of each will I need. Also what type of ls is best I have seen kinds in a bag at lfs...
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    setting up new 100gallon

    I currently have a 55 gallon FO that I got sorta inherited from a friend and I am in the early stages of setting up an old 6ft 100 gallon that I have from my days of breeding cichlids. I guess I am more interested in having some larger fish in this tank. I have a small emperor angel and 3...
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    Electricity bill.

    I used to have a power bill between 500 and 600 dollars but I had about 15 tanks running at the time.
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    emperor angel

    I guess what I have read is some not getting full adult coloration just wondered if anyone had experiance with emperors as far as factors that influence this.
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    emperor angel

    Just wanted to see if anyone out there has any experiance with emperor angels. I have had mine for almost a year now. He is around 4" now and starting to show signs of starting his color transformation. My ques is I have read alot about emperors not going thru a full color change in captivity...
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    emperor angel

    I had a ques on the growth rate of emperors I have one right now in a 55 that is about 3-4" still in juvinille color but was wondering how long I have before I should move him to my 100. basically I was wondering how much growth I can expect out of him per 6mo.
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    niger trigger

    I have been thinking about getting a niger trigger because I have heard they are on of the more docile triggers but can it be keep in a community tank with smaller fish such as percula clowns or green chromis the tank size is a 100long
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    niger trigger

    does anyone have any experiance with niger triggers in particular when keeping with smaller fish such as percula clowns or chromis.