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  1. gobyinpeace

    Treating Early Detection of Ich.

    Just an update on my situation. I placed my baby Burrfish in my QT/HT tank and treated with Copper Power. It is a one dose only product. The little guy is as healthy as ever. I never had to remove any of my fish from my 20G reef. I have not had any sign of Ich for over a month now. I am still...
  2. gobyinpeace

    Baby Jellyfish

    I seeded the tank with NSW. I am only using Instant Ocean now. I also do a Kalk drip for make up water. Can't use NSW anymore because I don't want to chance an Ich outbreak.
  3. gobyinpeace

    Baby Jellyfish

    Yep! They appear to be the Medusa variety, with 8 tenticles. They look very much like the "birdie" used in badmitten. They are still alive and growing. Pretty cool stuff IMO.
  4. gobyinpeace

    Baby Jellyfish

    Just about an hour ago I noticed about 2 dozen baby Jellyfish swimming around in my 10G. Tidewater Tank. The tank is fully cycled but fallow right now and only stocked with shrimps, hermits, barnacles, and crabs. I have some nice peices of LR in there as well. Has anyone had this happen before...
  5. gobyinpeace

    Mr. Ugly Fish

    I don't thinks its ugly, just another facinating creature that nature has to offer! If I had a tank big enough I am sure I would enjoy its behavior and giving it a stress free enviornment. PS: I love looking at my tanks under actinics. I thought I would love to have a SW tank because of all the...
  6. gobyinpeace

    The Times they are a Changin'

    Let's get back to the root of things here as a bigger picture is starting to develop. It seems like this glowing jellyfish gene is making its way around the biotech labs, ie Bunny rabbits, Fish, and Christmass trees. Lets let these little lab rats know that that we want a more benificial...
  7. gobyinpeace

    The Times they are a Changin'

    I don't have a problem with people who want to keep these fish if enough research is done as far as an enviornmental impact (which may be very little) is concerned. I just think some more studies might be in order before these mutated organisms are introduced to the general public and possibly...
  8. gobyinpeace

    The Times they are a Changin'

    I want to know this...if fish don't have eyelids, and need to be in the dark to "sleep," how is that going to happen when they are glowing like that? Their own light will stress them before long, and they will die. Am I missing something? For $17, I'd want something that might live for a little...
  9. gobyinpeace

    The Times they are a Changin'

    I just think that the ethical dilema here is should you fool around with mother nature just for fun.... Simply does the cause justify the means? For feeding the masses cheap food some may answer yes. I think we are all quite aware of bioengineering's contribution to the food chain. Some of...
  10. gobyinpeace

    The Times they are a Changin'

    then why do we have aquariums to begin with? My comments were aimed at bioengineering. I would think most of us here are quite content with what nature offers us to keep in our aquariums.
  11. gobyinpeace

    The Times they are a Changin'

    "Its not nice to fool with mother nature" This makes me wonder "whats next?"
  12. gobyinpeace

    The Times they are a Changin'

    I just recieved this e-mail from the Goby research news group. This hobby is in for change. Check out the latest in bio-engineering. Pretty crazy stuff IMO. Maybe this will cut into the "Nemo" market.
  13. gobyinpeace

    Treating Early Detection of Ich.

    I am leaning more towards copper treatment. I know this might be a dissapointment to both Terry and Beth, but think it is the best method for me and my fish right now. I would like to cycle my QT/HT tank first to make monitoring copper levels more accurate and easier. Right now FW dips and...
  14. gobyinpeace

    NewB Pictures

    My 6-line is very peaceful but curious. Mine will occasionally go after small shrimp that are under and inch though. A great reef fish IMO.
  15. gobyinpeace

    Treating Early Detection of Ich.

    Can I take on the hypo without the refractometer? I could calibrate my hydrometer with a small carpenters level. There sure is not allot of options for me is there? Can copper be done successfully without permanent damage to my fish? Thanks for addressing all my NewB questions.
  16. gobyinpeace

    Treating Early Detection of Ich.

    I have searched the web over and found only one person who claims RXP worked to an extent and that person came from this website. The rest of the internet searchs only yielded bussinesses selling the product. I have read countless articles confirming the effectivness of hyposalinity. I still...
  17. gobyinpeace

    Treating Early Detection of Ich.

    I traded in the Kent RXP potion for a 100W submersable heater and am converting a 25G FW tank to a SW QT tonight. My LFS guru said the info I was getting on the internet was basically alot of bunk. He also said hypo will kill my fish and did not recommend it. He aslo stated that hypo will not...
  18. gobyinpeace

    Treating Early Detection of Ich.

    I had a 10G. QT to begin with. My problem was I got carried away with it and added too many inverts and such. It was too small anyways. I will be setting up another QT (20G). tomorrow. I have heard a lot of good results with garlic though but just don't trust it enough as far as reinfection is...
  19. gobyinpeace

    Treating Early Detection of Ich.

    Kent claims to have a secret natural ingredient as well as the pepper. Like many others before me I was hoping to not have to go through the ordeal of setting up another QT. I will monitor things closely for a few days. If I do not see significant improvement I will take the required measures...
  20. gobyinpeace

    Treating Early Detection of Ich.

    Yesterday I detected a small amount of ich on some of my fish. Both my 10G. tidewater and my 20G. reef are infected (I knew this was inevitable from the begining). Both tanks water parameters are fine (ammonia=0, nitrates=2.0, PH=8.2, Calcium=450). I have been soaking their food in freshly...