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  1. gobyinpeace

    Adding Lg Bait Shrimp to tank..

    I would def. QT them first. I would aslo try to find out what species they are and their native habitat before adding them to your tank.
  2. gobyinpeace

    Catching specimens in san diego.

    In order to collect you will most likely need a fishing license. Contact your local fish and wildlife agency and ask them for collecting info, species lists and restrictions. Sample the water you collect from for PH, salinity and temp. If you can duplicate these three paramaters in your...
  3. gobyinpeace

    NewB Pictures

    Will do. Below is a starfish I collected yesterday. Are these ok to have in a reef tank? What does it eat in the aquarium? I figured I would check it out for awhile. I also collected some very small fish that are silver with bright blue fins on the bottom. These fish do not grow more than...
  4. gobyinpeace

    NewB Pictures

    The one in the 10G. is a Frillfin goby (Bathygobius sorporator). The ID came from James L. Van Tassell PhD a biologist from Hofstra I contacted from GOBIIDAE.COM. The Frillfin is native to Bermuda, North Carolina to Florida, Bahamas, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, including Antilles. Also Brazil...
  5. gobyinpeace

    NewB Pictures

    Thanks for trying but it is not a jawfish. The chances of the gobies I collected being offered for sale anywhere are very slim. Here is a couple more pictures: Baby Burrfish (AKA Spiny Box Fish) Beauty Shot Of Unidentified Goby Any help on identificaton is appreciated. The BB was found...
  6. gobyinpeace

    Going Skimmerless on 20G.

    ...I'd be cautious about are your poking/proding of the sand bed I am only lightly raking the top 1/4" of the bed to remove any slime, film, etc..., I think this is really helping in eliminating brown algae and only takes a minute or so each day. I have discovered the antennae to be one...
  7. gobyinpeace

    Going Skimmerless on 20G.

    I know there will be plenty of you who are skeptical about me going skimmerless, but I have been doing some research and I think I can pull it off. First and foremost are the frequent water changes. When I do my WCs I use an airline hose and old fashioned siphoning. It works great for vacuuming...
  8. gobyinpeace

    got my lights today

    Cool! I know how happy I was when I got mine.
  9. gobyinpeace

    How am I doing So Far?

    Be weary of the fry could end up big. I have been releasing them back to the wild once they reach a certain size (1-2"). I have not lost a fish yet except some small puffers (1/2") that ate each other. Thanks for the encouraging comments so far.
  10. gobyinpeace

    What's you latest addition?

    Looks sweet, how about a bigger picture?
  11. gobyinpeace

    New Tank Pic's

    Your pictures and tank look great so far! Keep up the good work.
  12. gobyinpeace

    Up close with my torch

    Very nice pic and coral. Are torches hard to keep?
  13. gobyinpeace

    How am I doing So Far?

    Below is a link to some pictures and info on my SW tanks. I am just starting out so any advice comments. etc... are very appreciated. I also posted some pics in the photo section, but can't figure out how to link to them. Spike's SW Aquariums Thanks, -Spike
  14. gobyinpeace

    NewB Pictures

    Heres are some pictures from my 2 SW tanks. I am new to SW and the 20G. Reef tank is 5 weeks old with the 10G. fry tank being 3 weeks old. 20G. Reef Tank Unidentified Goby Collected from the Gulf in 20G. Tank Six-line Wrasse Large Feather Duster Attatched to Red Colonial Dusters Frillfin...
  15. gobyinpeace

    Mercury vapor, will it work?

    This particular lamp is high on the blue side because it was used to emit "black light". The end result coming from a glass filter. I removed the filter and gave it a try and it looks great, not yellow or green at all just a bright blueish-white. I think I now have a light for another set-up...
  16. gobyinpeace

    Mercury vapor, will it work?

    I am new to reef keeping and have a 250 watt mercury vapor ballast and pendant (came from a theater caliber balck light). I was wondering if I can use this light on a reef tank?
  17. gobyinpeace

    Rolling the dice w/sea slug?

    I just started 2 SW tanks. The 20 gallon is cycled and the 10 gallon is still cycling. I have been utilizing a sea slug I collected from the Gulf to rid my LR from any brown algae. The slug is a heck-of-a cleaner and I have almost no brown algae as a result. I have been moving it from rock to...
  18. gobyinpeace

    Help/Advice 4 Newb to Salt

    Here is an update for any that are interested. I am now down to a couple of puffers (from 6) but the rest of the fry are doing great. The puffers killed each other off until the 2 largest remained. The little Trigger is doing really well and the other fish I have yet to ID. The red plants I...
  19. gobyinpeace

    Help/Advice 4 Newb to Salt

    I couldn't resist (was going to wait till I got my Aqualight) and picked up some small peices (.08lbs total) of LR today just for the heck of it. The pieces I bought came from the Gulf of Mexico in keeping with my native theme. The pieces are covered with red and purple coralline algae and I...
  20. gobyinpeace

    Help/Advice 4 Newb to Salt

    Now I am confused even more. The rock I brought from the beach has no coralline on it. With this rock from the beach things won't start appearing like feather dusters and such. I did introduce this rock thinking it may bring along some beneficial bacteria, and small inverts. The pieces I did...