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  1. ccartag

    Mantis Shrimp

    this one is a smasher as i heard it trying to smash some live rocks look at the hammers.....
  2. ccartag

    Mantis Shrimp

    i think he is 4-5 inchs and have it with my imporator and archilies and some small wrasse's an some hermits but its a large enugh tank180r.r
  3. ccartag


    about 5inches
  4. ccartag

    Mantis Shrimp

    i have to disagree with that as the one i have from my observation has not and will not kill i tried to give it live food and it refused it seems to opt for frozen krill and silversides but thats my mantis and i can't speak for others i got mine at as a replacment for the first that i...
  5. ccartag

    show your rare inverts and fish

    my archillies had him since he was 2 inches
  6. ccartag


    for those that love e'm
  7. ccartag

    Mantis Shrimp

    yup this place is it for rare things that no,one seems to put in there tanks i have one and up to this day it has not killed anything must of been stick fed......
  8. ccartag

    where to buy a Imp Angel?

    this place i mean i bought one some time ago and its in its phase know of transforming to adult........
  9. ccartag

    banded cat shark on line order?

    i don't know if would like this but there is iv'e got better fish from them than my lfs.... Links edited. See above. Bo
  10. ccartag

    Has anyone EVER seen their puffer actually puff up???

    i had a dogface with some triggers and it seem to puff at everything that thay did got rid of them about two years ago but when i had em i never had a toxicity problem with it was kinda funny as it would wiggle and puffup to about the size of a softball.....
  11. ccartag


    well let me start off by saying thanks and the shark is well and eating squid and silversides also the tank is 180gal and he was purchased at barrierreefaquatics in chicago for me i'm from bridgeport and did't think that there were so any marinefish keepers in this part of town well i'll try...
  12. ccartag


    hello just got a bamboo cat shark and i was wondering if any on had any problems feeding it i started with ghost shrimp and sand eels....anyone feed them anything else......thanks for the replys
  13. ccartag

    new sea goblin

    hello just thougt to add somthing (new) to the mix i've bought a purple sea goblin and want, to know if anybody in the swf.c (chatboard) had experience with this wonderful fish i read in the last months article of tfh mag that there more demading than loins but a second opinoin will...
  14. ccartag

    phosphate removal

    i use rowaphos and it works better than kents or seachem brand it also removes silcates...and lasts for about six months
  15. ccartag

    transform to ecosystem

    looking at all the posts for this can it be done with a regular wet/dry if yes i"m willing to convert my aquaclear aquatics in to one well thers a lfs in my neck of the woods that sells the kit and i'm going out there today will respond with my final results.....also if any one has done it the...
  16. ccartag


    it's not that bad at least it's not 30bucks like her in land of lincoln i guess thats what i get for living in the my aqualife is bught online....
  17. ccartag

    ecosystem internet deals???

    i've found a few online at
  18. ccartag

    ecosystem or amiracle mud filters

    thanks of the replys i was just wondering if any one has used the amiracle brand iv"e read the ones for the ecosystem and if any one had any thoughts on one or the other but i called amiracle and ecosystem and thay say that its user prefrence i thing its more like the price iv"e found both at...
  19. ccartag

    ecosystem or amiracle mud filters

    :confused: just wondering if any one has used the amiracle mudd filter is it the same as the ecosystem or shuld i just go for the real thing(ecosystem) any replys would be appreciated....thanks
  20. ccartag

    Dragon Wrasse

    if you got inverts i would not recomend this fish's(wrasse) can kill and disrupt aqua scape i had a clown,wrasse and it ate all my snails and small crabs it picks on almost anything in the tank and likes to dive in to the sand if available and its hard to get rid of i had to dismantle...