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  1. bandman

    X box 360

  2. bandman


    What do you think about it? What's your set-up?
  3. bandman

    Live Sand

    What's in your tank? How long has it been up?
  4. bandman


    Skimmers are suppoesed to lower nitrates right? If I'm wrong on that assumption someone please tell me what will lower my nitrates.
  5. bandman


    Yeah the one that hangs on the tank. Thanks a lot.
  6. bandman


    Has anyone bought the prizm skimmer available on this site? If so can you tell me if that will be ok for a 29 gal, FWLR? Or can you recommend something else.
  7. bandman


    I have a 29 gal. I have 2 perc clowns and live rock.
  8. bandman


    I'm not real sure where to put this post. About 3 months ago I bought 10 cerith snails from my LFS. Now I have close to 30 or more of these snails. I was wondering if this was normal or if I should try to get rid of some? I'm not really worried about anything other than them having enough to...
  9. bandman

    Live Rock questions

    If you put it in the rubbermaid containers to cure it, do they did filtration of any kind? Or heating, aeration, lighting...etc.?
  10. bandman

    anenome or clownfish

    Which should you add first, an anenome or a clownfish? Or does it even matter?
  11. bandman

    what is the percent of water wasted in an RO

    What happens to the bad water? Can you drink it?
  12. bandman

    30 gallon lighting

    Thanks for all the help. I'm gonna try to get a retro fit. I know coralife is a good brand, but it is too wide for my canopy. I was wondering if Sunpaq was a good brand.
  13. bandman

    30 gallon lighting

    I dont know what kind of hood it is. It's a rectangle and the light sits on top of a clear plastic part. Thanks for the heads up on the ballast. Will a DIY kit take care of that, or would it be better to just buy a new fixture?
  14. bandman

    30 gallon lighting

    I know MH lights need to be so high off the water, but do VHO lights? I was wondering if I could just put them in to my hood, or would I have to modify it. And will VHO lights work for corals in a 30 gallon?
  15. bandman

    I am so confused

    Well they won't be live rock at all. They'll be base rock. Live rock has to have stuff alive on it, mainly algae. I don't know if you can use that as base rock or not, but I wouldn't. I would just go ahead and buy some Fiji live rock. My other advice would be, at all costs stay away from...
  16. bandman

    I got my finger on the trigger...

    Is that a four stripe damsel in the background? If so how big is it, and have you had other fish than the trigger in there with it?
  17. bandman

    should i add snails

    Depends on how much algae you have in your tank. I wouldn't think 2 snails would take away much food. You might want to get some algae sheets for the lawnmower.
  18. bandman

    dead snails

    yeah I have 4 hermits. Thanks for all the replies. Is my clean up crew big enough for a 30 gal? 4 hermits now 4 snails
  19. bandman

    dead snails

    I had a couple snails die. Should I remove their shells, or can I just leave them in there. It doesn't seem like they would hurt anything, but maybe I should take the snail out first.
  20. bandman

    "live' question

    I'm doing the same thing with my CC. The holes in my collander I think are too small b/c it keeps a lot of my LS in there with it. It is a slow messy process, but it is working.