Search results

  1. ou_snr_fn

    worm id pls... good or bad

    this is the second worm like this i have caught in my tank and i was wondering if it would eat corals or not. I did catch one of these feller's red handed grabbing a snail and dragging it under one of my live rocks.. so instead of replacing snails all the time i thought i would remove them. i...
  2. ou_snr_fn

    Beth.... please help....

    well beth just to keep you posted i have a refractometer on its way and will start this process immediatly after recieving it. My tang and my cleaner shrimp have a close relationship so i think for the mean time the cleaner will do till my meter gets here. i hope anyway . i am a little...
  3. ou_snr_fn

    Beth.... please help....

    Well my problem is that i have ich and i got a few questions i would like to ask you. Can I take ALL my inverts and live rock out of my tank and do the hypo method?? Will this be ok since i have live sand in it?? The problem is i am very new to this hobby and am learning the hardway bout ich...
  4. ou_snr_fn

    bristle worm questions pls help

    anyone got any ideas??
  5. ou_snr_fn

    bristle worm questions pls help

    do bristle worms get big enough to eat snails?? :notsure: i have seen these worms that look like a bristle worm only gray that are about 8 inches long or so. When feeding my tank i saw one take a couple of shrimp pellets back into the rock with him. And yesterday i happened to be walkin by my...
  6. ou_snr_fn

    Emerald crab problem

    i also got 2 emerold crabs with my clean up crew and they caused me nothing but trouble. they first ate a couple of my hermit crabs then on the 3rd night they had a 20 dollar cleaner shrimp for dinner :mad: so my best advice is to do what i did and get rid of em if thats not an option ya are...
  7. ou_snr_fn

    Bristle Worm Help

    well i was feeding my fish today and this huge bristle came out and started grabbin food. my concern is he might start attacking my fish or cleaner shrimp. :notsure: is that even possible?? :notsure: i don't have a problem with him in there as long as he wont eat my livestock. does anyone know...
  8. ou_snr_fn

    180g reef tank and all equipment for sale

    is the chiller still for sale?? if so pls send me an email on price and shippnng info to 64801 thanks.....
  9. ou_snr_fn

    DIY Moonlights.

    the grog i would also like the link thanks
  10. ou_snr_fn

    DIY Chillers???

    i was wondering bout the mini fridge also. why couldn't it work? would it have a better chance of working if ya plumbed it with aluminum?? would the aluminum put trace elements into the water that would be bad for the tank?? not sure just wondering?? my thinking is it would be alot easier...
  11. ou_snr_fn

    I've had it!!!! Giving up i think!!!

    hi carshark i will admit first of all i am new to the sw world and am just begining to get started i have a 90 gal. set up with 100 lbs lr and 110lbs. ls anyway i have my cleaner crew added and recently started adding fish. i now have a yellow tang and 2 clowns. well after the first night i...
  12. ou_snr_fn

    Looking to purchase a fish from this site

    bluephi115, hi i am new to the salt water world but i thought i would share my experience so far. I too ordered my clean up crew from here and was verry pleased with the service except 1 problem my crew didn't get along btw I ordered 20 scarlets 10 zebra and 10 blue legg hermit crabs along...
  13. ou_snr_fn

    ??? clean up crew ????

    thanks for all the replies. Ihave been feeding the crew algea chips because my tank is so young. I just wondered if anyone besides me was havin a problem with the emerald crab. I came home this morning which is the second night my clean up crew has been together in my tank and most of them are...
  14. ou_snr_fn

    ??? clean up crew ????

    i acclimated as directed by this site except i took bout 4.5 hrs in the bucket of water with slow drip before i put everything in my tank i am really wondering bout these emeraol crabs because they attacked the scarlets from the get go at one point i seperated them. and i went to work i work...
  15. ou_snr_fn

    can i use regular fluorescent for my 90 gallon aquarium??

    i am new to all this but i thought i would share my experiance. well i took a 4 ft 4 bulb fixture that was for a 4x40 watt setup took the ballast out of it and bought 2 110 watt high output ballast and put in the 4ft housing wired them to the diagram on the new ballast and added vho's in it and...
  16. ou_snr_fn

    ??? clean up crew ????

    my tank has been up and running for about 8 weeks now i set it up mixed all the water and let it run for about a week before my live sand arrived. when sand arrived i added it to my tank also added "hair algea" to the refugium part of my tank. i then orered my live rock which is marshall island...
  17. ou_snr_fn

    ??? clean up crew ????

    hi guys i am new to the saltwater world and will be the first to admit i know nothing about this but i have read alot and am jumping in head first. my question is what is everyone's opinion on the emerald crabs i let my fiance pick out a clean up crew for our tank which is a 90 gal with 55lbs...