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  1. bizzyb0ne2000

    can i do this with a lion fish?

    many people and websites and the saltwater petstore said that you can keep a full grown lion fish in a 55 gallon long tank. is this true? he would be in there with a large tomato clown because ii have do re-setup my tank. lions are pretty big, but not very active at all. Also, can they be weaned...
  2. bizzyb0ne2000

    Cold water tanks?

    i dont understand wut u are talking about. how can u catch puffers, triggers, and etc. in new jersey. how do they get there, and how do they live in the foreign climate and temperature? if that is correct, than thats pretty cool though.
  3. bizzyb0ne2000

    hows this filtration

    for a 55 gallon (long) i have a fluval 404, a fluval 4 and a powerhead 301. is this too much, to little , or fine. i will eventually put bioballs in the fluval 4o4. (i jus got it this week.
  4. bizzyb0ne2000

    Valentini puffer

    it can work if the puffer is bigger. my 2 inch humu trig is friends with my eight inch puffer, but they really compete for food
  5. bizzyb0ne2000

    it might work unless you want live sand and rock

    or if u want that, u need some inverts to keep the bacteria alive. i am a master in freshwater tanks, they dont even really need to be cycled. i can have a fully running setup tank in a half an hour with all the fish, and have no problems, but saltwater is different.
  6. bizzyb0ne2000

    i found puffer munching on tang head

    my 8 inch puffer,"zoomus" ate half of the tang and ripped all of his fins. i saw him biting it when i got home. the brown sailfin tang was like 6 inches. the little 2 inch trigger carried the big tang by its vein or wutever. i was surprised how strong he was. now my tank is very cloudy. i have...
  7. bizzyb0ne2000

    tell me how my tank setup sounds

    i have 2 bags of live sand. i am about to get one more, and i am gonna get a bag of crushed coral or wutever it is for the ph. how does my filtration sound. rite now, i have a fluval 4, a fluval 2, and a powerhead 301. i am gonna get a fluval 304 this thursday and will put bio-balls in it, so it...
  8. bizzyb0ne2000

    driftwood or not?

    yes take it back out. i just bought 2 saltwater books and one sed that u cant use them because they release some substance, and can soften the water and make it more acidic. it should only be used in brackish mangrove tanks, it sed. i forgot the name of the substanse though
  9. bizzyb0ne2000

    i 4got 2 ask wut kind of puffer i have

    he is light brown(color of a lightly roasted marshmellow) and has tons of white spots all over his body. wut is he? hes about 7 inches head 2 tail.
  10. bizzyb0ne2000

    damsels are awesome when

    you keep them with large fish like puffers eels and tangs. my 2 damsels will not mess with or be messed with by the other 3 fish. the 2 blue damsels also stay together. they arent that scared because they eat and have live rock
  11. bizzyb0ne2000

    this kid sed you can turn a fluval 304 0r 404 into

    a wetdry, i cant remember which number. all you do is put in bio balls in the compartments. he will sell it to me for half price. i already have a fluval 4, fluval 2, and a powerhead thats a little stronger than a fluval 2, i cant remember the name. but thats an awesome e z way for me to have an...
  12. bizzyb0ne2000

    i got a puffer-he is so cool

    he is psycho. he rams the glass with his teeth. he chomps on the coral and rock, and he swims crazy, kicking up sand everywhere, then he gets all tired out and sleeps in his"area". when i first got him yesterday, the eel bit him twice. this scared the crap out of me. but puff was ok cuz he was 2...
  13. bizzyb0ne2000

    feeding tips for snowflake eel?

    i bought him yesterday on saturday. he is a snowflake that is 2 feet long and 2 inches deep. he dosent eat. i tried those frozen shinner fish.(they are really long and silver, dunno if thats the rite name), and i tried brine shrimp. how long does it usually take for them to eat, and when and...
  14. bizzyb0ne2000

    how big does a porcupine fish get in captivity

    i cant find the rite answer anywhere. some sources say 6 inches, while others say sumthing like 2 feet. how big do they get and what size tank to u need for one of them?
  15. bizzyb0ne2000


    is it true that these cause bubble-eye in saltwater fish?
  16. bizzyb0ne2000

    fish in my 55 gallon

    hi, im new here. can someone tell me if this is a good tank setup for my 55gallon tank? i have a snowflake eel and scopa tang. can i keep a pocrupine fish(puffer-type fish), and dwarf lionfish with them. picture them all being full grown. If not, what should be taken away? :confused: