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  1. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    actually the ph was low when the fish were put it then after they all died i thought they may have been an issue so u used the ph raiser and it looks like it already raised it within a day
  2. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    acclimation didnt do it i dont believe ..only one fish was acclimated that day..everything else was in the tank for weeks..i acclimated a cleaner shrimp the same day and hes the only thing livine..yeah farslayer i think i agree though...that must have been what had happened..thanks
  3. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    i looked at them and there is no signs of any def had to be an outbreak of some sort but what would cause such an outbreak out of nowhere and kill everything within a couple hours..
  4. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    hey the parameters were 8.4.......ammonia 0...nitrite 0....nitrate 10..i just checked about an hour ago tonight so i know they are using a aquarium pharmaceuticals saltwater master liquid test kit
  5. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    just out of curiosity would the 3 anemones in 2 days bioload a tank or will just fish do that..cuz if they can that might be the problem...3 anemones and 1 fish in 2 days
  6. thamobster

    water temp

    just out of curiosity would the 3 anemones in 2 days bioload a tank or will just fish do that..cuz if they can that might be the problem...3 anemones and 1 fish in 2 days
  7. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    i keep it at 78 with more than enough water flow
  8. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    hey thanks everyone for ur help..i checked the temp and it was the same it has always for the anemone the one was definitely dead so maybe that was adding to the cause of death im not all of my fish are officially dead though and i have two live anemones and perfect water...
  9. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    The only problem is that all the fish were perfect, nothing wrong with them, and then out of nowhere this happened. I thought, from what I read, that the fish were stressed out they wouldn't eat, would pace back and forth from the tank, and not act normally. All my fish had big appetites and...
  10. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    white sebae...i put the fish in the QT tank....the mandarin is trying to jump out so I know something is wrong but all my parameters are perfect...this anemone has the inverted mouth is he causing all the problems..
  11. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    pink tip looking awfully weird...
  12. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    most recent anemone..just right now my clarki died and then came back to life, what the hells happening. the other clowns are dieing and coming back to life what in the world has gone wrong to cause this, the fish seem as if they are having heart attacks because they are shaking, trying to get...
  13. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    sorry it won't let me put the pictures all with each other so they have to go separately....
  14. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    Here is what is going on with the clowns, and the anemones, sorry they aren't too clear, but the white sebae I believe has an inverted mouth, which I heard is very bad, I didn't see it when I purchased him but I think that may be causing something. As you can tell by the pics I am dealing with a...
  15. thamobster

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    I know this is long but please read and help me. Something is wrong with my 50 gal tank. All parameters are perfect, nitrite at 0, ammonia at 0, nitrate a little high at 10, pH at 7.8 (a little low for what I need right now) and salinity at 1.021 (also alittle low). I have a 1200 Cascade...
  16. thamobster

    Territory Issues

    Also forgot to mention, for the anemone question, I have a Coral Life lighting with the 10,000k light, atinic light, and lunar lights. I have a Canister 1200 filter and I recently purchased an Emperor 400 Bio-Wheel Filtration, I have both because I am using the Cascade for the circulation of the...
  17. thamobster

    Territory Issues

    Hey everyone. I've got a 50 gal tank with a tang (yes I know the tank isn't big enough but for now he's very happy) 2 ocellaris clowns which are a little over an inch, and I just purchased a Clarki clown which is about 2 inches. The tang and two ocellaris clowns have been in for about 3 weeks...
  18. thamobster

    Brown Algae Problem

    Beth, Yes I use tap water. I age it for a day or so. I have about 6 snails and 1 giant snail that is about 3 inches or so along with some blue legged hermits. Circulation is great, pretty strong throughout the whole tank. My salinity is low, I plan on doing another water change with a some...
  19. thamobster

    Anemone Compatability

    Hey everyone, just today I bought a Pink Tip Anemone and a Florida Condi Anemone. They are both at separate sides of the tank, but very slowly the Pink Tip is moving, not towards the other anemone though. I was wondering if these two anemones were ok living together? They are in a 50 gal tank...
  20. thamobster

    Fighting Clowns

    I'm not quite sure how old they are, I got them about 3 weeks ago, and they are about 1 1/4 inch. When I got them at the LFS store they had gotten there aboue a week before. Hopefully what you said about the dominate one will be figured out soon so they don't hurt each other more. Thanks.