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  1. thamobster

    Fighting Clowns

    Hey everyone, I have two percula clowns in a 50 gal tank and they are fighting like theres no end. Sometimes they get along great and follow each other around, and other times they are attacking each other. The one clown has a bad cut on his mouth and the other clown has a bite on his side by...
  2. thamobster

    Brown Algae Problem

    Hey, a couple of weeks ago I wrote in a thread about a problem with brown algae. It had gone away for about 4 days or so and then overnight again it has sprout up, this time seems worse than before. I have had the tank set up for about 7 or 8 weeks now. Ammonia is at 0, Nitrites are at 0...
  3. thamobster

    Light Settings For Aqualight Lunar

    hey i have the corallife aqualife lunar and im not positive the best settings to put the light putting the 3 bulbs on different timers and was wondering any recommendations on when i should set each one for..i have the lunars on for about 9pm and the 10000k for 7am but im not sure when to...
  4. thamobster

    Why Is My Live Rock Turning Brown?please Help Asap

    I have 70 lbs. of LR in the tank. I feed the mandarin live brine and frozen foods. He is very healthy, also looking a little chunky, so I know he's good right now. There is not much natural light hitting the tank, the lights are the best source for it. I have the Coralife Aqua Lunar light with...
  5. thamobster

    Why Is My Live Rock Turning Brown?please Help Asap

    Correct. I just did a ton of research and figured out it is brown algae. It just came up over night, I was not sure if that was normal. What can I do to prevent it? My water is good, I just recently did a water change, and am going to do another one. I was reading that these diatoms are common...
  6. thamobster

    Why Is My Live Rock Turning Brown?please Help Asap

    yeah i upgrade once i figure out this problem main concern is getting this situation solved
  7. thamobster

    Why Is My Live Rock Turning Brown?please Help Asap

    oh and one more thing i forgot to mention i just bought a 36 inch coralife aqualight lunar..i got it and it had a broke acintic bulb so ive only been able to use the 10000k bulb in the daytime and the lunar lights at night..could it be possible its growth from the light or something weird..thanks
  8. thamobster

    Why Is My Live Rock Turning Brown?please Help Asap

    my main concern also is that i hope the live rock wasnt killed and if its on its way how can i prevent it from dying..thanks
  9. thamobster

    Why Is My Live Rock Turning Brown?please Help Asap

    hey my tank has been established now with live rock for well over a month and looked great...i added 2 clown fish a yellow tang and a green mandarin..(at different times of course) everything was looking great..til yesterday when i added 2 teaspoons of live when i woke up in the...
  10. thamobster

    Sizing of fish....

    yeah i just poking back..dont worry i dont mean any offense either ..ur right no such thing as a dumb question but i could see how u might think that is..i was just curious if they were bred differently and maybe stayed smaller as if it were like a smaller dog would be a mut..thanks
  11. thamobster

    Sizing of fish....

    yeah so thats the same for wise asses too right..their born wise asses and grow up to be bigger wise asses right..obviously they get bigger, but when they are small, medium, or large i didn't know if they all grew to be the same size or were a little different
  12. thamobster

    My Percs aren't eating...

    Hey, two days ago I got 2 percula clown fish. They are doing great in the tank. They love the space they have, they are adjusting well. I have noticed though that whenver I put food into the tank they don't go to eat it. The food is Omega One Marine Flakes. I have the garlic that I put into it...
  13. thamobster


    yeah i know that. i am actually going to have him in QT for 3 weeks. so thats another 3 weeks for the actual tank to build up more. i actually bought special food for him, frozen. if he doesn't seem to be doing to good i will bring him back to my LFS. thanks for the info. though
  14. thamobster


    yeah exactly..i actually do have 2 clown fish already with turbo snails and blue legged hermits..i wanted to quarantine them too but i didnt get my qt filter in time so i just risked it...they seem good so far..i heard they were pretty hardy so i took the chance..i didnt want to chance the tang...
  15. thamobster


    Hey everyone. I've had my tank set up and cycled for about 5 weeks now. All readings are low Nitrate-0, Ammonia-0, Nitrite-0, and Salinity is at 1.023. I just boughttwo fish today, as Iof this minute I am acclimating them, they have 2 1/2 hours left. I am in a dilemma though, I have my QT tank...
  16. thamobster

    Sizing of fish....

    I've got one more question, where can I find a chart with the sizes of saltwater fish? Such as how big they can get in captivity and all? Thanks.
  17. thamobster

    Sizing of fish....

    Wow, thanks a bunch. I didn't think the sizing of that fish was that little, would be nice though. Thanks everyone.
  18. thamobster

    Sizing of fish....

    Hey everyone. I just had a question regarding the sizes that fish get. My tank has been fully cured for about 4 weeks now, I recently bought to Percula clownfish, coolest little things ever. I know they each will be about 2 in. long. Now the fish on this website to buy where it says sizes, is...
  19. thamobster

    How many fish can I have?

    Hey, I have a 50 gallon tank. Its in its last week of cycling with the LR. I recently purchased a QT and am getting ready to set that up so I can finally buy some fish! The one question I do have is how many fish can I QT at the same time? The QT tank is 20 gallons. Also how many fish would I be...
  20. thamobster

    Curing LR...

    Hey, I've written a couple threads on the curing process, but I just had a few more questions. I now got my tank about 2 1/2 weeks ago, its going great. I got the LR about 1 week ago. I've been doing a lot of research on curing LR and some of the processes, I saw a couple of people urged to...